¤Chapter 11

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"Yeah, not happening," replied the voice from the other end of the call

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"Yeah, not happening," replied the voice from the other end of the call.

"Taeyong please," Seohyun pleaded.

"No can do, Seo. The fun is yet to begin," he smirked. Although Seohyun couldn't see it, she knew.

"But he's your father, Yong."

"Only biologically and maybe on papers but I don't consider him as my father and neither has he acted like one in my whole life," he burst out.

"Yeah, I'll do it, dad. Yes, yes I'll inform you if they make any movements." Taeyong said, hanging up the phone and turning away from the balcony, to go back inside the theatre room where all the members of Scarlet Rose had gathered together to watch a movie, which happened once in a blue moon.

But what he didn't expect was Seohyun standing in the hallway, outside the room with a glass of juice and teary eyes.

"I trusted you, Taeyong. We trusted you," she said in a shaky voice that broke his heart. "I thought you were an orphan. You lied to me, to all of us."

"This might not be the best time or situation but can you give me one chance to explain myself? Please? I know you will understand," he begged taking a step forward but halted when she took a step backwards.

Taeyong knew he had broken their trust and there would be absolutely nothing to regain it but he didn't want them to look at him as their enemy either, not without hearing the full truth.

"Okay," said Seohyun still standing a few meters away from him, the glass clutched tightly to her chest.

Taeyong blurted out everything that he knew. He told her that he was the eldest son of the Lee Family but he had been sent to live as a spy in the Jung Family by his father when he was 7. Since then, he had been reporting about Scarlet Rose's plans to Sangyeon. Being in a higher position gave him that advantage.

Seohyun took another step back to run away to Jaehyun at that moment but stopped when Taeyong continued the second part of his story.

"But it all changed the day Jaehyun and Doyoung saved my life. If it hadn't been for Jaehyun who had come to find me in the burnt-down house, I'd have been dead by now. I owe him my life and since then I realized where my loyalty lay.

My father abandoned me at the mere age of 10, sent me into an unknown environment without promising to come back, treated me like a doll, used me whenever needed and then didn't even look back when the work was done. I was stripped from my mother and my 3 little brothers. Heck- they don't even know I exist. I am like an erased memory for them. I now, have to meet my mother in secret as if I'd be committing a crime by meeting her in public.

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