¤Chapter 12

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I make my choices;
The thing that I really want,
Is something that can't be bought easily.

I make my choices;The thing that I really want,Is something that can't be bought easily

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Donghyuck's POV

All the anticipating eyes were fixated on Donghyuck as he dialed Mark's number.

The Azurites were gathered in Renjun's Treatment Chamber as Chenle had been made to lie down on the bed, quite forcefully by Jeno.

The rings from the speaker of his phone felt excruciatingly long as they waited for Mark to pick up, while Chenle squirmed under Jeno's tight hold and tried to form coherent words that were muffled by Jeno's palm. Jeno looked at Renjun asking him to help, with his eyes. Renjun nudged Donghyuck who pushed him back. Jaemin had a hand on Jisung's shoulder, who had his head drooped low, as they watched from one end.

"Hello, Mark?" Donghyuck rushed as soon as Mark picked up.

"Are you busy?" He carefully began the conversation trying to beat around the bush as best as he could.

"Yes," Mark's irritated voice failed Donghyuck in stalling from the topic any longer.

"Would you like to listen to what I have for you?" Donghyuck said quietly.


"I'll still tell you anyway. Chenji did something.....bad," Donghyuck urged again.

"Okay," was Mark's plain reply.

"Can you come back home now?" Renjun spoke up this time, snatching the phone from Donghyuck's hand.

"Now? I can't-"

"Chenle ruined the letters and Jisung fucked up the factory lights," Renjun said in one breath, not giving Mark a chance to speak.

"Fine," Mark huffed as he ended the call.

Only after Renjun turned off the phone, did Jeno remove his palm from Chenle's mouth.

"Fucking finally," Chenle heaved out a long breath, "You guys I'm telling you, it wasn't my fault. Jisung tripped me over," he pointed his hand to Jisung accusingly.

"Aye- You stole my chocolate smoothie first," Jisung retorted, beginning to advance towards Chenle but was held back by Jaemin.

"Didn't I already make it clear that if chocolate ever steps into this household, it becomes OUR chocolate?" Chenle stated.

"Uhmm- No?" Jisung said, more like questioned.

"Well, now you know. Plus, the smoothie was lying unattended, so I just took one sip- ONE SIP JISUNG," said Chenle beginning to sit up straight again. Jeno still restrained him from getting up though.

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