¤Chapter 9

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The hushed atmosphere in the house was cut off by the ringing of a phone

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The hushed atmosphere in the house was cut off by the ringing of a phone. All the three pairs of eyes turned to look at it lying on the coffee table.

Seohyun saw the name 'Minnie🩷' flash on the screen before Hyerin grabbed it.

"I'll be right back," she said turning to Mark and then nodding her head at Seohyun.

Hyerin had millions of questions ranging from Seohyun's weird introduction to her real motto behind the unexpected visit, but she knew Soomin could answer all of those. That was why she called her after lunch when Seohyun was doing the dishes. Soomin hadn't picked up then.

The air fell silent as Hyerin left the two kids alone. Neither one was the type to begin the conversation.

Seohyun stole glances at Mark who was sitting on the armchair, while she sat on the bigger sofa. Mark did the same as he looked over at the girl a few times. He noted a striking feature that made her stand out, her hair colour- pitch black with purple highlights.

She could see a part of his blue flame tattoo on his neck, beneath his right earlobe.

It's really beautiful.
Seohyun snap out. He's the leader of Azure Blaze, which means he can kill you with one strike.
No, but I am trained too. I can fight.
Wait- why do I want to fight him?
I need to be good.

Seohyun had gotten lost in her thoughts again. But Mark's voice snapped her out of it, a minute later.

"So Seohyun," he began.

"Yes?" She said meekly first and then a little louder for him to hear.

"How do you know my mom?" He jumped straight to the point.

Seohyun was speechless. She couldn't tell him about her mom being alive. It was too much of a risk. She began to think of all the possible excuses and the one that would sound the most convincing, without blowing up her cover.

"Umm I-" she started.

"She is an orphan." Seohyun's eyes widened at Hyerin's comment who entered the room, taking a seat beside her. "I happened to know her foster parents. And must I add, they didn't treat her well. Right, Seohyun?" She nudged Seohyun who could just nod her head silently, still confused about the random things Hyerin was adding.

"On the day, when I was returning from your place, I bumped into her on the streets. She had been abandoned by her parents and was on her way back to the orphanage. I couldn't control myself and brought her home with me. But now, I want you and the boys to look after her."

Seohyun's eyes were as wide as saucers by the time Hyerin finished her back story, the one that she didn't know about. But Hyerin held her hand, which was on her lap, midway through the monologue, to indicate that she should trust her and go with the flow.

"But mom-"

"Please Mark," Hyerin said in an almost-begging tone, as she looked him in the eyes, quietly persuading him.
"You know I am getting old. And I don't want this little girl to go back to those horrible people or the rundown orphanage."

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