¤Chapter 16

339 8 13

Left hook,
Right hook,
Punch without stopping!

Left hook,Right hook,Punch without stopping!

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That was a wrong move.

Donghyuck thought as he gripped Wonjae's hand tightly, not losing the hold. Wonjae struggled to retrieve it but all his efforts were in vain.

"Where are you going to gather such a large sum from? Steal it? Or swindle someone again?" asked Seohyun stepping forward.

Wonjae stiffened under the graze of the knife's tip on his back. Seohyun pressed the knife a little further down, only so much to cause pain and not pierce his clothes or skin.

"You- You are not here for the deal? Are you?" Wonjae stuttered, frantically looking between the duo.

"Of course not," said Donghyuck with a small smile, taking a step in his direction, and in a split second he swung Wonjae over his shoulder and on the ground.

Donghyuck put his hands in his pocket as he placed a foot over Wonjae's chest, applying an adequate amount of force to slightly constrict the airflow.

"Does the amount of 30 million not ring a bell?" Donghyuck asked innocently, raising his eyebrow although no one could see it.

"A-Azure Bl-Blaze?" Wonjae coughed out, clawing at Donghyuck's foot, begging him to reduce the pressure.

"No," said Donghyuck which earned a turn of the head from Seohyun too (who was glancing at the entrance from time to time). "Your death."

Wonjae was no less of a player either. He had sensed the potential danger from the start and pressed the SOS button on his phone that was in his pant's pocket, which alarmed his guards. This action went unnoticed by Donghyuck who was having too much fun in torturing him by increasing the pressure second after second. But Seohyun noticed this and prepared herself to fight, warning Donghyuck too.

"Haechan, the gua-" she was cut off by the sound of multiple footsteps from the entry door.

Both of them snapped their heads to see the newcomers, meanwhile, Wonjae took this chance to pinch Donghyuck in the calf that made him retract his foot. Wonjae stood up, ready to run away but Donghyuck caught him just in time, punching him in the jaw.

Whereas Seohyun stepped forward to deal with the defenders. She gripped her knife firmly and plunged it towards the nearest man. But he managed to dodge it easily, as he swung his fist to her face for a punch. Seohyun stepped back at the right time not to get hit.

There were 5 men in total. Two of them crept up behind her and grabbed each of her arms from the shoulder, restricting her movements. She struggled against their grip but couldn't succeed in freeing herself, their grip was just too tight. Seohyun glanced down at her right hand, where she still clutched her knife as she swung it backwards so that it would puncture the man in the guts.

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