¤Chapter 18

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The gears churned in Seohyun's head

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The gears churned in Seohyun's head.

Things began to fall into place one by one. Donghyuck's voice was the first thing that got registered in there. His loud-enough-to-shatter-the-glass exclaim, or rather scream, of the word 'WHAT' broke Seohyun out of her trance as she met Mark's eyes. He had a tiny but genuine smile on his face.

"Welcome to Azure Blaze, Park Seohyun," he said extending his arm out for an official handshake as if confirming a deal.

It was a deal indeed. A deal that would mark Lee Sangyeon's downfall. A deal that would finally serve justice to her late father. A deal that would reduce one burden from her brother's shoulders. A deal that would avenge a woman who was robbed of her husband. A deal that would settle her long-awaited revenge.

A deal that would change all of their lives.

Seohyun reached out to shake his hand, sealing the pact with a big smile on her face. She was truly happy to have achieved her spot after the tests she had been made to give for the past month.

"Thank you, Mark," said Seohyun, still smiling from ear to ear.

But her smile was no match to the one of the boys in front of her. Chenle was more than thrilled to hear this piece of great news. He had been complaining for a change in the gang for quite some time now and his wish was fulfilled at last.

Chenle had grown fond of Seohyun, perhaps because he thought that she was cool. He had been impressed by her skills on the first night they had met. And then when she said "Let's say I've done my part of the research", it was the last blow that blew Chenle's mind. He desperately wanted this girl on the team and would do anything to get her in.

So, (please keep this a secret between you and me) he might have pulled some strings to make the missions easier for Seohyun. For example, when Mark was going to kidnap her, he had sneakily warned her about encounters with a rival gang and had asked her to maintain professionalism.

Another time, for her mission with Jeno, which was to test her confidence and assertiveness, Chenle had advised her to keep her head up and make solid eye contact with anyone she spoke to the whole time. He may have also warned her about 99% of weapons deals going wrong and told her that there was a very high chance of that one failing too, so he had asked her to carry a small knife and be prepared to fight if things went South, which they did.

The next time, training in their basement was also his idea. Mark had been planning for an external training session, but Chenle insisted on it being in their house to let her get familiar with the surroundings quickly.

Also for the last but not the least time, Chenle had rung up Seohyun a day before she had to leave for Busan and met up with her in secret to give her the pocket knife (that Jaemin had caught her adoring in their basement during the training session) and a small pistol just in case. He had strictly asked her to strap the knife to her thigh as the gun's silhouette would show through the dress.

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