¤Chapter 22

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Donghyuck's POV

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Donghyuck's POV

The dream or rather the nightmare came to an end when the boy woke up with a visible jolt.

Beads of sweat shone evidently on his forehead and rolled down his temples, tickling him but little did he mind about that in the moment.

Donghyuck's eyes were focused on something far away yet they held no focus on anything in particular, seeming as if his body was a soulless hollow of skeleton and muscles put together.

The disoriented state compelled him to link the thread of reality to the dream he just had, showing him the flashes of scenes from the non existent movie repeating over and over again.

Only multiple thoughts created a mesh of emotions in his head, blocking his visual neurons from creating a solid picture of the objects around him in the cortex of his brain as he desperately tried to block the horrid scenes.

But one thing for sure, he looked damn hot.

Imagine Donghyuck with disheveled hairs that stuck to his forehead giving him a fresh-out-of-shower look, however, in reality they were drenched in sweat. Even so, who could differentiate?

He was gasping for more oxygen in his system as he simultaneously tried to
reach for the bottle of water on the bedside table.

Nonetheless, his luck betrayed him as the bottle toppled over, clattering to the floor, emptying the little contents that were left in it.

"FUCK!" Donghyuck groaned.

And if this wasn't enough to ruin his day, Donghyuck's legs got tangled up in the blanket as he attempted to get down for fetching the bottle. This resulted in him landing on the ground, face first. Thankfully, he put out his forearm just in time to save him from having an injured arm too.

Another sharp 'Fuck' elicited from his throat at the impact of colliding with the icy, hard floor which sent a wave of shooting pain from his left ankle to the thigh.

He had to momentarily clench his eyes shut to cope with the pain and not tear up at its intensity.

On regaining composure, Donghyuck gathered the energy to get up from the floor and to be back on his lower limbs.

In the process, he cursed out his miserable fortune to the fullest of his capabilities.

No more interested in drinking water, Donghyuck hobbled to the bathroom with the intention of freshening up to begin the day (which was already ruined) on a hopefully better note.

But, as we know, when do things ever go as per our wish in real life, let alone in fiction?

And so began the unfortunate boy's day with a little too hot-for-his-liking water in the shower, an empty shampoo bottle, a broken toothbrush and no toothpaste.

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