¤Chapter 3

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"What are you boys talking about?" Lee Hyerin, their mother, asked again with a gentle smile on her face as she entered the room

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"What are you boys talking about?" Lee Hyerin, their mother, asked again with a gentle smile on her face as she entered the room.

"Nothing. Why did you come here, mom. You could've simply called us, we would have come to you." Mark replied, quickly changing the topic. Jeno nodded along, agreeing to Mark's words.

Knowing their mother, she would never allow them to abduct Seohyun. But they were under the influence of their father.
Like any other son, all the Lee brothers looked up to their father.

Their father, Lee Sangyeon, was the underworld's most powerful and influential man. Mark, being the next heir, dreamt to become like him.

Although the Jungs had once been the most dominant gang in the whole of Seoul, the Lees have had that power ever since the Dojeon incident, 17 years ago.

"Can't I come to meet my children now?" Hyerin feigned hurt. Jeno replied saying that she had misunderstood Mark and she was free to visit them whenever she liked.

"I heard about Jeno's injury and came to check on him." She said as she sat on the other side of his bed, opposite Mark.

"I'm fine mom, it's not even that deep. I've survived even worse." Jeno answered.

"I know, I was just worried."

The three of them sat there for almost two hours, talking about random stuff. The boys tried their best to avoid bringing up gang-related stuff and kept dodging most of her questions.

Hyerin didn't hate their job. 'Hate' would be a strong word, she just despised it. It hadn't been like that since the beginning though. It was only after the Dojeon incident that things changed drastically.

It wasn't until Mark's stomach grumbled, that they all decided to go downstairs for lunch. It was already past 2 p.m.

"Boys, gather up. I'm making lunch." Hyerin announced as she reached the living room, with Mark and Jeno following close. Jeno had to use a crutch as an aid in walking.

Hyerin was a short and petite lady, with thick, long, silky blackish-brown hairs. All her sons had taken after her in beauty and hair colors. She had round brown eyes and thin lips. Although she was in her mid-fifties, nearing sixty now, she didn't look a day older than forty. Nobody could tell that she had three sons, just by looking at her.

The boys were all excited to finally have some home-cooked food after a long time. They all quickly set up the dining table and were ready to eat by the time she finished cooking. She made kimchi stew and fried rice for them.

"Where's Hyuck and Nana?" She asked as she placed down the pots in the center of the table.

"They've gone for a mission. I talked with Jaemin, they are on their way back." Renjun replied while taking serving himself some stew.

Donghyuck's Pov

It had been a very arduous mission. He and Jaemin had been out for 2 days now. Neither of them had gotten proper sleep nor had eaten proper meals throughout their duty. He longed to be back in the warmth of his soft and comfy bed.

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