CHAPTER 19 - lovers rock

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DC !!


Morning soon rolled around, and I was still snuggled close to Kou. I was just thankful that my mom wasn't one to barge in on me sleeping, no matter what the circumstance was. I eventually woke up before Kou did, but I wasn't really all that surprised, he didn't seem like the type to of person wake up all that early by choice. I open my eyes, yawning almost immediately—then I look up at Kou. His hair was a mess, and he was snoring like a maniac, but he still looked decently cute to me. Once I free myself from his hold that he had around me, I sit up and stretch before climbing over him to the ladder on my bed. I rub my eyes as I grab my phone, turning it on as I yawn yet again. Once I make it back up into my bed, I sit up against the wall and mess around on my phone as I waited for Kou to wake up. He eventually started moving around, but that was only him trying to find me again—and once he did, he wrapped his arms around my torso, and he planted the side of his head on my stomach. A smile grew on my face as I put a hand on Kous matted head of hair, then I snap a quick picture of him with my phone camera before messing around on my phone some more.

Soon enough, Kou starts to grumble as he wakes up, his arms tightening their hug around me a bit as he stretches. "Are you finally awake?" I move my phone out of the way of my view so I can see Kou, who was just laying there now. He makes nothing but a tired little noise in response, but he continues to just lay there. I set my phone down and put my hands on his back, softly patting my hands up and down like I'm playing a drum. "Don't tell me you're going back to sleep on me.." I wait for a response, but I don't get anything. "Are you always this stubborn in the morning?" My hands begin rubbing his back. "Mm.." Kou mutters with his tired voice. Apparently a whole whopping 9 hours in wasn't enough for him. "How can you live with your hair being all knotted up and gross like this all the time—" I start patting his head with my hand, really just trying to get him to wake up. He tiredly reaches one of his own hands up, grabbing the one that I have on his head—and he knocks it off before snuggling his head deeper into my stomach. I sigh, "Kou—you can't just sleep the day away, you're gonna have to wake up at some point.." I feel him inhale as he moves his head up, looking up at me. "I want to stay here.." Kou mutters in a tired tone, his eyes closing again. I put a hand on the back of his head, petting him like he's some sort of animal. "I know, but—my mom will start getting suspicious soon and she'll come in here and bust both of us." I blink as I get an idea in my head, then I look down at Kou.

"I'll let you stay here and sleep, and I'll go and talk to me my until she figures out she needs to run errands—you should be all rested up by then." Kou just tiredly nods, letting go of me so I can climb over him. After I do so, I get on the ladder of my bed, turning around as I cover Kou back up. "Just try and be quiet, okay?" I whisper, putting a hand on his head before climbing down. I then leave my room, my mom was already in the kitchen making some breakfast. I just had to make sure that she didn't see Kou at any cost, so I close my bedroom door behind me and walk over to the kitchen. "Goodmorning Sousuke, did you sleep well?" My mom looks at me, and I nod. I probably slept the best I have in months, but I couldn't tell her that. Not without her getting suspicious and asking me questions. "Did you have any plans to go out today?" I ask as I rummage through the fridge, looking for something to drink. "I was probably planning on going to the department store at some point today, I need new shoes for work—why do you ask?" She glances at me as I pour myself a glass of apple juice. "I was just asking because I was just wondering if you could take the photos I took yesterday to have them developed.." She smiles, nodding. "Of course!" Now go sit at the table and I'll get you some breakfast." I nod. "Okay.. but let me go grab my photos real quick." I scurry to my room, grabbing the photos I took yesterday. I had to double check to make sure it wasn't the pile of photographs I snagged of Kou before securing them and leaving again. Kou was obviously still sleeping. I then hand my mom the photos, and she traded them for a plate of food. "Alright, I'm gonna go get ready to leave—so if you want more you can just help yourself." I nod as I sit at the table, eating my breakfast.

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