CHAPTER 24 - lo que siento

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DC !!


I awkwardly find my place on the couch beside Teru, trying my best to avoid eye contact with him.

He had already apologized for dragging Mitsubas name in the dirt, but I didn't want him to add on to the argument we already ended—or worse, get suspicious about why my verbal defense mechanisms were so high for Mitsuba.

"Uh—I'm gonna go play with Tiara and Mitsuba up in Tiaras room.." I get up, but Teru already had his mouth open. "Are you sure Mitsuba is just your friend?" My eyebrows raise as I look back at Teru, my mouth was getting dry. "Yeah, why do you ask—?" Teru just silently sat there on the couch and I could feel his eyes almost burning through me as he tried to read my body language. "You're sure he's not.. something more than that?" He squints as he keeps staring at me, and I try my best to seem confused as to what he was on about. "I don't get what you're trying to say. He's just my good friend, nothing more than that." I cross my arms as Teru gets up and walks over to me. "You wouldn't lie to me, would you?" He looks me up and down before looking me in the eyes again—and I could feel them burning through my face.

I just shake my head in response, "I told you already. If you're trying to suggest that he's my boyfriend or something, then you're wrong!" Teru smiles and puts a hand on top of my head. "I didn't even think about that.. but it's weird that you'd mention it huh?" My eyebrows raise as I start feeling myself get nervous. There was no way I was gonna be able to dig myself out of this hole now. "You have a boyfriend, don't you!" He puts me in a headlock and starts rubbing the top of my head with a fist. "Just say it! I have a boyfriend and I'm not afraid to say it!" He keeps messing up my hair. "Knock it off, let go of me!" I start hitting his arm. "Oh yeah? Do we have to go and humiliate you in front of Mitsuba?" He smiles as he keeps messing up my hair, tightening his headlock on me. "Tha—That isn't gonna change anything!" My eyebrows raise as he takes me hostage and starts taking me up the stairs. "No! You don't have to—OW! You made me hit my toe on the wall!!" We eventually make it to Tiaras bedroom door, and I was full on fighting back now. I then hear the door open and I watch as Tiara and Mitsuba look over at me and Teru. "Admit that he's your boyfriend!" I put my hand on the side of Teru's face and try pushing it away as he starts mimicking a kissing sound with his lips. "Knock it off!" Teru starts rubbing my head with his fist harder. "Not until you say it! Say that you love Mitsuba to my face!" I grab the arm that he has me in a headlock in as I look over at Mitsuba.

He was already on the brink of laughing at me as Teru absolutely humiliates me.

"Not in front of Tiara! I'll—stop it damnit!" I keep struggling to fight back at Teru's dispense. "Okay then.." Teru pulls me back out into the hallway and cracks Tiaras bedroom door. "Now admit you're in love with Mitsuba and I'll let you go!" He keeps rubbing the top of my head with his fist, and I keep trying to pull his arm off of my neck. "Okay! I'm in love with Mitsuba, now let me go damnit!" Teru smiles and lets me go. "That's all you had to tell me instead of lying to my face." I sigh as I rub my head, looking up at him. "So you're not pissed about it?" Teru raises an eyebrow. "No? Why would I be—" I shrug. "I thought that you would've been against it for some reason, I dunno." Teru sighs and pats my head. "Nah.. I'm not that cruel." He then smiles before making his way back downstairs, leaving me alone where we were. I feel a sense of relief fall over me as I softly smile—thankful that he actually managed to dig the confession out of me. Otherwise I would've never told him anything if he wasn't good at reading between peoples lines.

My hands find themselves on my head as I try and fix my matted head of hair that Teru left me to deal with before opening Tiaras bedroom door. "You put up quite the fight, didn't you?" Mitsuba smiles at me as I sit down at the small table with him and Tiara. "You flew in like a wuss just in time—me and Tiara were just about to have some tea." I look at Mitsuba as he holds up a tiny teacup. "You have this cup Kou-nii!" Tiara hands me my own little tiny teacup before pouring me nothing but air, but I played along with her make believe tea party. "Why thank you." Mitsuba holds out a small little empty jar, "Would you like some sugar?" My eyes meet Mitsuba as I softly smile, taking the jar from him. "I've been watching myself, but just a little wouldn't hurt." I place the jar down on the table and pretend to scoop some sugar into my little teacup. "Say cheers!" Tiara holds up her teacup and Mitsuba clinks his cup with Tiaras. "Cheers! Say cheers Kou-nii!" I smile and hold my teacup up before clinking it with her teacup. "Cheers!" She smiles and starts pretending to sip her cup as I look at Mitsuba, who in which was already holding his cup out to me. "Are you really gonna leave me hanging like that?" I smile and clink my little teacup with his, "Yeah yeah.. my bad." I smile wider before blowing on my fake cup of tea.

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