CHAPTER 23 - pretty boy

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DC !!


"You're playing!" I look at Mitsuba as he smiles from across the table. "So you're saying if I eat this whole spicy sushi roll you'll come and stay at my place for the night? On top of the 20 dollars?" I squint at Mitsuba as he nods.

I couldn't tell if he was bullshitting me or not, so I hesitantly looked down at my menu.

I then look back up at Mitsuba. "And you're sure you aren't just messing around?" He smiles, "No, I swear to you! I swear on my cute little life." My eyebrow raises more, "I smell bullcrap.." I look back down at the menu, thinking about how Mitsu might actually be serious about his offer. That's when I signal a waitress over and Mitsuba orders his food, then I order the spiciest roll on the menu—on top of a less spicy roll. "Are you sure you want that roll? It's really spicy.." The waitress mutters as she points at my menu, then I give a hesitant nod. "Yeah.. that's fine." I smile nervously as I hand her my menu, "Alright, I'll have those rolls right out for you two." She smiles before walking off and I look at Mitsuba. "I really hope this isn't some prank you're trying to pull on me.." I watch him smile. "Maybe it is maybe it isn't.. but I'm being honest about the coming over to your place." My eyebrows raise, "Did your mom say it was okay?" Mitsuba nods, smiling widely. "She said that I could go as long as I agreed to go home right after we finish with lunch so I can gather my things." I look to the side, trying to remember if my room was still trashed or if I actually took the time to clean it lately.

Once our food gets to the table, I start getting nervous as I gaze upon the sushi roll with all the colors of spice on it—and I could even smell how awful this was about to be without holding it close to my nose. I glance up at Mitsuba, who in which was already digging into his food before I look down at my plate. "Do I have to eat all of this? I'm not exactly known to have a stomach of steel, and if you're coming over later I don't want you to have to witness my eventual demise. Especially if that demise is gonna have to be met in a bathroom." A smile comes to my face as Mitsuba laughs. "No.. you don't have to eat all of it if you don't want to—" I sigh of relief before taking a deep breath in, "Well then.. here goes nothing.." I break my chopsticks apart and grab the first piece of the 6 piece roll, glancing up at Mitsuba. I noticed he took his phone out and was recording me. "Are you recording this?" He smiles as he nods, zooming in on my face. I then hold the piece up to the camera. "He's forcing me to do this, but I need the cuddles and the 20 bucks." I then calm my nerves before putting the piece in my mouth.

At first it wasn't all that bad, but once I got it moving around in my mouth it started to sink in—all the pain from the spices finally reaching my tongue. "How is it?" Mitsuba mutters to me, a big smile plastered on his face as he records me. I hold a hesitant little thumbs up, bouncing my knee up and down underneath the table as I try to focus on another part of my body. "You're fine, you got this.." I hear Mitsuba giggle as he speaks, and I shove another piece of the roll in my mouth. Thankfully this was only a 6 piecer rather than the usual 8 that you're given with the smaller rolls. The pain was really starting to sink in now, and I could feel my eyes watering as I struggled to chew the bite I just took. My fist comes down on the table as I put a hand on my forehead, trying my best to finish the 2 bites that my mouth was holding.

The pain continued for another 15, 20 minutes—but thankfully I was done with the roll. I had managed to scoff it all down and make it out with nothing but a runny nose and a painful burning sensation all through my sinuses. Mitsuba and I were now walking back to his place so he could pick up his things for the night.

Once we made it to the Sousuke Residence, I stood outside as I waited for Mitsuba to pack up his things. I couldn't help but feel like my stomach was beginning to ache, but I tried to shake off the feeling and think about the fact that I was gonna be able to lay down and sleep soon. Mitsuba soon comes walking out of the apartment with his school bag on his back and an extra little bag with what looked like some toiletries and his pajamas. "I brought you a water bottle.. since y'know—the whole sushi restaurant incident." He smiles and hands it to me, and I take it and open it. "Oh, thank you." I smile a bit before I start chugging the whole thing, then I shove the crushed up empty water bottle in my pocket before taking Mitsubas extra bag from him and putting it over my shoulder. "Is your house far from here?" Mitsuba looks up at me as we leave the apartment building and I shake my head, "No, it's not too far, thankfully traffic isn't all too bad right now so we should be able to make it there rather quickly." Mitsu nods and grabs my hand. "Sorry for making you eat that spicy roll at the place, I just thought it would be silly to watch you suffer." My eyebrow raises as I look at Mitsuba, holding his hand as he looks up at me. "Uhh.. it's okay I guess. Just remind me to watch my back tonight since you apparently enjoy watching me suffer." I smile a bit, relieved that Mitsuba got my sarcasm. "Yeah yeah, like I'm gonna be trying to kill you all night." My smile grows, "Hey, that whole instance where you said that you'd give me cuddles and 20 bucks at the expense of me eating the spiciest roll that place had to offer, I might as well keep both my eyes on you at all times just to be safe." Mitsuba smiles and shoves me before grabbing my hand again. "Whateverrr.. it was funny and you know it!" I poke Mitsubas head and he pinches my side, both of us smiling as we make it to a crosswalk.

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