CHAPTER 37 - no woman no cry

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Sousuke and I eventually pull up to a small hole in the wall pet store that I actually learned about because of Hana. She used to do volunteer work here so I would sometimes take her here after school so she could get help out. I had never actually been inside the place though, so this was going to be something new. "Alright, so we're here for a bird. What kind of things do they need?" "Well, we'll need the bird.. a cage, some things to put in the cage, and some food." Sousuke looks at me with a smile. "I still can't believe you're actually getting me a pet bird, you must be crazy." "So what if I am? I want my Sousuke to be happy." "You make me blush." "I can tell, now come on! Let's go look at some birds!" I get out of the car and rush over to the passenger side so I can help Mitsuba out of the car. "Why thank you, what a gentleman." I look down at him as he looks up at me, shutting the door car door and locking the car up. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I wasn't gentlemanly?" "A really bitchy one." I smile and grab his hand. "Exactly." Sousuke drags me to the door and opens it for the both of us before dragging me inside. "Damn, this place is bigger than I thought."

Sousuke and I look around the small little establishment, and before long he is already freaking out. Not to use some old man expression, but he genuinely looked like a kid in a candy store.

"Kou! They have hamsters!" I grip his hand as he drags me over to some hamsters, a big smile on his face. "They all look so cute! I want all of them!" "Weren't we here for a bird?" I smile and bend down a bit so I'm at his height. "I lied.. I want all the animals here! I'll build an animal sanctuary for them all if I have to." "I hate to break it to you, but I don't think I have the budget for all that.." "Shh! Do they have cats here?" "Sure they do, it's a pet store. Have you never been to one before?" I look down at him as I follow him around the store. "No, and I regret it.. I love this place!" He gasps and rushes over to some containers that are holding some cats, practically fangirling over them. I kneel down beside him as he kneels and puts his palm on the glass of one of the cats enclosures. "He's so cute.." He mumbles, a big smile on his face as he lays his head on his arm, his arm resting across his knees. I felt a smile grow across my face as I just looked at him and admired him.

How could a guy be so damn pretty.. it was aggravating. I shook my head and looked to the side, a big sorry look on my face as I smirked to myself and scoffed. I was so in love with him that it was crazy.

My eyes looked back at him, admiring him once again almost instantly.

He's so beautiful.. I just want to run my hands all over him and tell him how much I admire him, but that would be weird.

I sigh and look at the little kitten that he's playing with through the glass.

That would be so insanely weird.

I look back at Sousuke and smile. "Hey, how about we go stand in front of the fish enclosures and kiss every time we see a fish?" Mitsuba looks at me, blushing. "What?" "Yeah, well.. not every fish, but it would still be fun, no?" He nods as he just looks up at me, grabbing my hand as the both of us get up. I could feel myself getting nervous as we walked closer to the small aquatic section of the store. I hadn't kissed Sousuke in forever, so I was wondering if I still had it. I was hoping that he would still feel the same spark that he felt when we kissed back then.

As we arrive to the section, Sousuke walks over to some tanks and watches all the little fish swim around in groups and alone. I feel myself stand close to him as I just held his hand tighter, his fingers tightly locked with mine. "I love fish too.." Mitsuba mumbles, not breaking eye contact with the fish one of the many tanks that were put together against the wall. "What's that?" I look down at him. "I said.." He looks up at me, his entire body turning so that we're now standing facing each other. "I said that I love fish too.." He stands closer to me, grabbing my other hand with his free one. I feel my body grow warm, the space between us growing smaller and smaller as we just stood there.

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