CHAPTER 26 - dayflower

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DC !!


As the school day finally comes closer to an end I couldn't help but feel scared about leaving the class by myself. Even though all those upperclassmen were probably sent home already, I still felt insanely worried. I wasn't going to have Kou with me so I had to brave the walk home all by myself. Part of me was surprised that my mom hadn't come to pick me up early, but I kept reminding myself that she always had busy shifts during the weekdays.

"Alright everyone, we only have a couple more minute left of class so feel free to go ahead and pack up for the day." The room instantly fills with chatter as everybody begins to pack their things and meet back up with their friends, but I just sat there in my desk and pulled my phone out of my back pocket. I had noticed that Kou sent me some messages and this made a smile come to my face.

[lame-o] : YOO!
[lame-o] : I know you're in class still but I just wanted to let you know what the doctor said.
[lame-o] : Thankfully I won't be going blind anytime soon! 💪

[Sousuke Mitsuba] : im glad to hear that fr !
[Sousuke Mitsuba] : what else did they say?

[lame-o] : Well I think they said the only injury I need to watch is my side..
[lame-o] : Cuz I think the doctor said I have some bone bruising on my ribcage. 😨
[lame-o] : But other than that I'm A-OK!!
[lame-o] : You're still planning to come and see me right?

[Sousuke Mitsuba] : ofc !
[Sousuke Mitsuba] : i have to go by my house first tho so that i can change out of this uniform
[Sousuke Mitsuba] : are u hungry or anything? i could cook u something before i head over
[Sousuke Mitsuba] : to pay u back for those pancakes u made for me

[lame-o] : Especially some Miso
[lame-o] : HOLY COW!!

[Sousuke Mitsuba] : would u like me to make u a bowl when i get home?

[lame-o] : I meannn.. I hate to be that type of person but y'know..
[lame-o] : That sounds hella good right now..

I softly smile and get up from my desk as the bell rings. I had already secured my camera in my backpack in fear of it getting ripped out of my hands again, but hopefully the incident won't happen again.

[Sousuke Mitsuba] : alright i'll make up a quick thing of it as soon as i get home

[lame-o] : YOU DOWN TO CALL? 😁
[lame-o] : Or are you still heading out of school?

[Sousuke Mitsuba] : just a sec pls !

I put my phone in my pocket and speed walk to the lockers so that I can change my shoes out and put my jacket back on before heading out of the school and give Kou a call. Soon enough I was rushing off of school grounds as I received a call request from him, answering it. "Hiiii Mitsubaaa.." He mutters with the speaker right up to his mouth, a smile coming to my face. "Hey Earring.. how's the bed rest treating you?" "Man, I'm bored out of my mind! I kinda wish I did stay at school but I wasn't about to limp around like some wacko so it was for the best." "What did the doctor say about your eye? Other than that you aren't gonna be going blind?" "I was waiting for you to ask that, and well.." He audibly sighs on his end of the phone. "They just messaged me back and said I'm gonna have to get the whole thing removed and replaced with a robotic eye that helps me read minds.." I smile widely and cross the street as the crosswalk signal turns into the walk symbol. "Whatever! But really, how is it?" "The doctor said it'll be okay! It'll take a while for it to heal up all the way but I won't be suffering any sort of vision loss or anything." "That's good to hear. What about your side that was hurting really bad?" "Just some minor bone bruising, but no fractures or breaks. I'm gonna be just fine!" "Thank goodness, I was worried those upperclassmen obliterated you for good earlier when you were first taken into the infirmary." "Ah, no way! I'm quite the fighter so I'm not one to give up that easily." My smile turns into a more subtle and softer one. "Good, cause if you were to pass away I don't know what I'd do with myself." "Same goes for you Mitsu, so no getting into fights unless I'm by your side okay?" I smile softly as I press another crosswalk button. "Got it. Also, I'm not sure if I have any green onion and I don't feel like going all the way to the store by myself.." "I can check to see if we have some here, but do you want me to come and take you in case we don't?" I stop to think about a response for a second.

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