CHAPTER 38 - birds don't sing

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"Who would buy a 3 pack of hello kitty print spatulas.." I mutter to myself as I hold up the pack of spatulas, looking at them. "I know who." I mutter to myself again, tossing it in the cart I was pushing around. "I would!" I smile and keep walking down the kitchenware isle that I ventured down, gasping as I saw some oven mitts with penguins all over them. "Ohhh.. I'm gonna go broke.." I whine to myself as I look down at the oven mitts. "But they have penguins on them, how can I not buy these? They're penguins.. on oven mitts." I mutter to myself once again before sighing and looking down at the cart that literally had nothing but the 3 spatulas in it.

Well, I guess Kou didn't really ever tell me what kind of food he was wanting.. so these mitts are going in the cart.

I then looked back at the shelves, noticing a tea infuser that was shaped like a little manatee. Yeah, my wallet is having a massive hole dug in it right now.. so I wasn't even sure if I could afford it. "But the manatee tea infuser.." I mutter to myself, frowning a bit before looking at the other two items that are in the cart. "Are you wanting this?" My eyebrows raise at the sound of Kous voice next to me. I then looked up at him and got a soft little smile on my face before looking back down at the tea infuser. "Yeah.. but I don't think I can afford it, I already have two other things that I'm buying." "So what if you can't afford it?" Kou smiles and grabs the infuser from me, tossing it in the cart. "Now come on, let's go get some real groceries before you blow your entire wad on kitchen utensils." I nod, grabbing the cart and pushing it out of the isle that we were in.

"I honestly didn't think I'd ever find you, but I'm glad I did because I caught you at a good time." He smiles, looking down at me as he puts his hands in his jacket pockets. "If I knew you were looking for me I would've met you at the front of the store or in a different isle, sorry for making you hunt me down." "Ah don't worry, it's no big deal! I needed the extra steps anyway." "You never told me what food you wanted so I just picked some things out for myself like you told me to do." "Wow! I had no idea you were actually capable of listening.." I gasp and look up at Kou, watching him as he tosses something back on the shelf that he grabbed and looked at. "I can too listen!" I grab a bag of chips and toss them in the cart. "I just don't listen to you all the time because of how annoying you are." Kou audibly gasps, mocking the gasp that I gave him when he basically insulted me. "Don't gasp like that, you sound awful." I smile as I examine a shelf containing tons of different snacks. "Are we only gonna buy snacks? Shouldn't we, like.." He walks over to the shelf and grabs another bag of potato chips, "Shop for real food?" "What are you talking about?" I grab the bag from him and toss it in the cart. "This is real food, the snack section is where all the good stuff is at." "Yeah, if you're looking for a one way trip to the emergency room for clogged arteries." I softly chuckle and nudge his arm. "That's what limiting yourself is for." I look up at him as he tosses more snacks in the cart. "But you're right, you need to buy actual food. What kind of things do you like to cook?" "Anything and everything, curries.. but mostly those one dishes that have that pork on the rice." "Katsudon?" I pull my phone out and step aside, letting Kou take control of the cart. "Yeah, that stuff! It's sooo time consuming to make though, and pork pisses my stomach off." "Serious?" I look up at Kou, smiling. "Yeah, it's kind of embarrassing though and I won't let you sit through that." He smiles back at me, tossing some more random food that he found into the cart. "Well then let me cook since you clearly can't think of anything right now." I lightly push one of his arms away from the cart before replacing his hand with my own. "Aww, come on Mitsuba! I wanna push the cart, you can shop!" "I don't trust you. You might run me over with the cart or something.." "I won't, I promise!" Kou grabs my hand that I have on the cart, looking at me with this certain look on his face. I could only bring myself to sigh and let go. "Fine—but if you hit me with this stupid cart, so help me god.." "Okay okay, relax!" Kou smiles widely and puts both of his hands on the cart.

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