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Erik wheeled Charles into his office before he sat down opposite him.

"That really wasn't necessary Erik, I can do it myself." Charles grumbled.

"Oh shush you know you enjoyed it." Erik chuckled.

It was true, Charles did enjoy it - not that he would tell Erik about it.

"Listen Erik, I hope you aren't uncomfortable with me telling you that I'm gay. You're the first person I've told - not even Raven knows." Charles whispered.

Raven is Charles' adopted sister - she can change into anybody whenever she wants. Naturally, her skin is a deep blue, her eyes are gold and her hair is auburn.

"Charles I'm glad you told me, even after everything I'm glad you can trust me. And don't worry I'm not uncomfortable with it whatsoever."

"Thank you Erik, it means a lot." Charles murmured.

"You're most welcome Charles." Erik grinned.

Charles stared at him before grinning back "you should smile more Erik, you have a gorgeous smile."

"Why thank you Charles." Erik grinned, blushing slightly.

"You're most welcome Erik." Charles grinned.

Erik laughed, "you know Charles, you are my best friend."

Charles blushed "and you are my best friend Erik."

"Why?" Erik asked.

"Erik no matter what crazy thing you do, you'll always be my best friend." Charles laughed.

Erik's heart swelled and he felt his eyes trying to hold back tears. Charles smiled at him before leaning forward and giving Erik a gentle hug.

"Listen I hate to interrupt the couple time but the bell went 5 minutes ago." Logan called.

"Oh fiddlesticks I have a class." Charles exclaimed. He pulled away from Erik blushing bright red.

"See you later Charles." Erik squeaked - his face as red as a postbox.

"Bye Erik." Called Charles as he wheeled himself out of his office as fast as he could.

Neither of them noticed the others red face. The only person who noticed it was Logan who smirked.

"I hate you Logan." Erik and Charles whispered at the same time - not that they knew it.

Logan - with his super sensitive senses - heard both of their voices and laughed loudly.


Chatting on 'The Most Amazing Mutants'.

SexiestMotherfucker: Guys where's Professor X?

ThunderAndLightning: He's never late, this is strange

Arsehole: Don't know

Buzzkill: I agree with Ororo

TheQuietGayTeleporter: you don't think he's injured do you?

Buzzkill: no I'm sure he's fine

SexiestMotherfucker: I'll message Logan

ThunderAndLightning: good idea

Arsehole: shocking, Peter came up with a good idea

SexiestMotherfucker: bitch


Quicksilver and Wolverine are Chatting privately.

Quicksilver: Have you seen Charles, he's late to class for the first time ever?

Wolverine: ha yeah I've seen him

Quicksilver: where is he, do you know why he was late?

Wolverine: he was hugging Erik

Quicksilver: WHAT!?

Wolverine: yep

Quicksilver: did they kiss?

Wolverine: don't think so

Quicksilver: disappointing

Wolverine: yep

Quicksilver: right time for me to go spill the tea

Wolverine: just make sure your friends don't tell anyone

Quicksilver: you got it bro


Chatting on 'The Most Amazing Mutants'.

SexiestMotherfucker: I know why Charles is late

ThunderAndLightning: why?

SexiestMotherfucker: you have to wear not to tell anyone

Arsehole: alright I swear I won't tell anyone

TheQuietGayTeleporter: I'd never tell anyone

Buzzkill: I know when to keep my mouth shut don't worry

ThunderAndLightning: my lips are sealed

SexiestMotherfucker: Logan found Charles with my dad

SexiestMotherfucker: they were hugging

Arsehole: that sounds a bit gay...

ThunderAndLightning: awwwwww

Buzzkill: did they kiss?

SexiestMotherfucker: no

Buzzkill: disa-fucking-pointing

ThunderAndLightning: agreed

TheQuietGayTeleporter: that's sweet

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