Dad, watch out

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Wolverine and Wheels are chatting privately.

Wheels: Can I talk to you?

Wolverine: you just did

Wheels: this is serious Logan

Wolverine: alright, what did you need to talk to me about?

Wheels: I need help

Wolverine: why would you come to me for help, ask Erik or Hank?

Wheels: I'm in love

Wolverine: congratulations?

Wolverine: why do you want my help?

Wheels: I'm in love with Erik

Wolverine: no shit

Wheels: was it that obvious?

Wolverine: yes

Wheels: oh

Wheels: what do I do?

Wolverine: read his mind and see if he feels the same

Wheels: I could never do that, it's an invasion of privacy

Wolverine: go talk to him

Wheels: I couldn't do that

Wolverine: Charles I mean this in the nicest possible way but we both know that if you don't talk to him you'll just be moping around, thinking about Erik and most likely having a wank

Wheels: why on earth did I ask for your help?

Wolverine: that's what I want to know

Wheels: I hate you

Wheels: I should've talked to Peter instead

Wolverine: go talk to your lover boy before you talk to Peter

Wheels: I hate you

Wolverine: Go talk to Erik, you've been waiting 20 years for him

Wheels: I suppose...

Wheels: something's wrong, I can feel it

Wolverine: what do you mean?

Wheels: get outside, a gun has been fired

Wolverine: on it

Wheels: Logan

Wolverine: what?

Wheels: they...they were aiming for Erik

Wolverine: I'll go as quick as I can

Wheels: make sure he's ok will you?

Wolverine: of course


I walked out into the garden and smiled, the sun was shining and the birds were tweeting. I looked around to see if Erik was outside I saw that he was standing under a tree, absorbed in a book. I grinned then began to walk over.

A gun fired. The bullet was hurtling straight towards my dad.

"DAD, WATCH OUT!" I screamed.

It was too late, the bullet was too close to my dad for him to be able to stop it in time. I ran at full speed towards him and knocked him to the ground. A surge of pain shot through my body. The bullet had missed my dad however it was embedded into my shoulder.

"PETER!" My dad exclaimed "oh my god are you ok?"

"I'm fine dad, I mean I just got shot but still." I murmured.

With a look of rage, my dad turned to face the person who had shot the bullet. He raised his hand and pushed her away - stupidly she was wearing a lot of metal. Why would you wear metal when you are going to assassinate the man who can control metal?

"Erik what happened are you ok?" Called Logan.

"I'm fine but...but Peter was shot." My dad's voice trembled slightly.


I felt my dad's arms wrap around me and lift me up in his arms.

"I need to inform Charles of what happened, can you take Peter to the nurses office?" My dad mumbled.

"Dad doesn't go." I mumbled weakly.

My dad looked down at me, a look of concern on his face.

"Cornetto, if you take Pete to the nurses office, I'll send Charles along to meet you." Logan stated.

My dad's arms tightened around me as he responded "alright."

My eyes began to droop as my dad walked to the nurses office.

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