Panic attack

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Erik began to panic - he scared Peter. He was such an idiot. Why did I do that I'm such an idiot. It was all going so well. I'm so stupid. He probably won't want to speak to me ever again.

"Erik I can hear you stressing from my bedroom, come inside and talk to me, perhaps I could help." Charles' voice echoed through his skull.

Normally, Erik hated the fact that Charles could hear his thoughts however this time was one of the few times that he was grateful for it.

He got up and quickly walked to Charles' room. He knew which door it was, Charles' room was opposite his which made it easy to remember where it was. Cautiously, Erik knocked on the door.

"Come in Erik." Charles called.

Carefully, Erik opened the door and walked into Charles' bedroom.

Charles was lying on his bed and at the sight of a distressed Erik he awkwardly pushed himself so that he was sitting up.

"Do you need a hand Charles?" Erik chuckled.

"No no I'm fine Erik, now take a seat and tell me what's wrong." Charles smiled.

Erik gingerly perched on the end of the bed and said "well I was with Peter and I said something I shouldn't have."

"Erik come and sit next to me, I'm not going to hurt you." Charles smiled fondly at the German man and gestured next to him.

Erik took his shoes off then shuffled backwards so that he was sat next to his cru- ahem best friend.

"Well I was sat in the garden with Peter, we were having a great time. Peter had something called a walkman and he played one of the songs and it was really good but then I called him son and he freaked out and ran away. And now he probably hates me." Erik explained, his breathing starting to quicken as he began to have a panic attack.

"Erik, take a deep breath, that's it, and again, keep breathing." Charles commanded.

One of his hands was on Erik's back while the other was holding his hand. Erik began to calm down so Charles whispered "don't worry Erik, he won't hate you."

"I loved him like a son and now I've lost him. Why does this always happen to me, whenever I love someone, I lose them. My mother, my father, my daughter, my wife, and the boy who I would adopt if I could. There's no point in me having a family anymore as every time I do, it gets taken from me." Erik sobbed.

"Erik you haven't lost him, I know it, I can feel it." Charles murmured.

"I should just stay away from him, I can't have him getting hurt. And I can't have you getting hurt again." Eric whispered, trying to get up for the bed.

He was unable to however as Charles was hugging him tightly. "Erik don't deny yourself happiness because you are scared and I swear to god if you try to leave me again for the 3rd time I shall have no choice but to make you stay."

Erik chuckled weakly "I thought you didn't use your powers against other People Charles."

"I don't however this is the worst case scenario." Charles mumbled.

Erik hugged the telepath "thank you Charles, I should probably stay away from Peter for a little while though."

"Perhaps I should talk to him?" Charles suggested.

"If he brings it up first, perhaps you could say something however if he doesn't bring it up, I'll talk to him in a few days." Erik responded after a moment's thought.

"You do know Peter is impossible to avoid, don't you?" Charles chuckled.

"Yes, which makes it more and more likely that I'm going to have to talk to him sooner than I would like." Erik smiled.

"Are you ok Erik?" Charles asked gently.

"I have no idea to be perfectly honest with you." Eric laughed slightly.

After giving him one final gentle squeeze, Charles released Erik from his embrace.

"I wish he didn't let go." Erik thought.

"Thank you Charles, you are a good friend." Erik smiled.

"It's not a problem Erik." Charles grinned.

Erik got off his bed then walked around to the foot and picked up his shoes.

"Goodnight Charles." He murmured.

"Goodnight Erik." Charles responded.

Erik walked out of the door with a small smile on his face.

As Erik walked out of the door, Charles smiled. "I love him." He thought, "how do I tell him without ruining our friendship?"

As Erik laid down on his bed, his mind wandered to the brunette telepath in the room across the hall. He realised that he loved the man so much.

"Now how does one tell the one you love that you love him without ruining our friendship." He pondered.

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