You need comfort

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Wolverine and Wheels are chatting privately.

Wolverine: Charles, go to the nurses office now

Wheels: is it Erik?

Wheels: was he shot?

Wheels: what happened?

Wheels: tell me everything

Wheels: Dammit Logan what's going on?

Wolverine: it isn't Erik

Wheels: oh thank God

Wolverine: Peter was shot

Wheels: WHAT

Wolverine: go to the nurses office

Wheels: I'm going

Wolverine: Erik needs you, he's with Peter

Wheels: I'm going there straight away

Wolverine: that's impossible

Wolverine: you're not straight

Wheels: shut up Logan


Charles wheeled into the nurses office and found Erik pacing back and fourth by the end of Peter's bed.

"How is he?" Charles asked.

Erik turned around quickly, his forehead was creased and Charles could see that a tear had run dow his cheek.

"He's sleeping, I got the bullet out of him. He saved my life Charles; he took a bullet for me." Erik's voice trembled.

Charles wheeled himself so he was very close to Erik before he lent forward and wrapped his arms around his waist, his head resting on Erik's stomach.

"Charles, what are you doing?" Erik asked.

"You need comfort, so I'm giving you a hug." Charles explained as if he were talking to a five year old.

Erik couldn't help but smile slightly. He knelt down and wrapped his a me around Charles, ever greatful that the telepath was in his life.

"He called me dad," Erik whispered "he called me dad."

Charles smiled slightly, he didn't think that Peter had told Erik officially so all he Said was "he loves you Erik."

Erik couldn't say anything, his voice was constricted by the sobs that were likely about to begin.

"Erik why don't you sit on a chair, you'll be more comfortable." Charles suggested gently.

"I suppose." Erik mumbled.

He staggered over to a chair and sat down; Charles wheeled himself so that he was next to Erik.

"Don't worry, Peter's a tough cookie, he'll recover from this in no time." Charles grinned.

"Yeah you're right Charles." Erik whispered, before yawning.

"Go to sleep Erik, you need rest." Charles murmured.

"I can't leave him." Erik whispered.

"You don't have to." Charles responded before gently moving Erik's head so that it was resting on his shoulder.

Erik smiled before mumbling "you make a good pillow Charles."

"That's good to know." Charles grinned.

Erik chuckled slightly before falling fast asleep.

The words "he looks adorable" were all that ran though Charles' mind as he stared fondly at his cru- best friend.

Logan walked into the nurses office and smirked causing Charles to blush slightly.

"How's Pete?" He asked.

"He should be fine, Erik got the bullet out of him." Charles stated.

"That's good." Logan stated before walking out the room.

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