Personal questions

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Professor X and Peter are chatting privately.

Professor X: Peter can I ask you something?

Peter: sure what is it


Peter changed Professor X's name to Professor Cardigan


Professor Cardigan: really, Professor Cardigan?

Peter : yep

Peter: before this conversation goes any further, can you promisee that no one will find out about what is discussed

Professor Cardigan: I promise, do you promise not to tell anyone?

Peter: I do, what is said in this chat, stays in this chat

Professor Cardigan: agreed

Professor Cardigan: anyway, what I want to ask you is rather personal and you don't have to answer it if you don't want to however it has been on my mind for a few days now

Peter: Ask away Charles

Professor Cardigan: Are you Erik's son?

Peter: ok two things

Peter: one, how the fuck did you find out

Peter: and two, how the fuck did you text me at the exact moment in time that I was going to message you and talk about the answer the the exact question you asked

Professor Cardigan: language Peter

Professor Cardigan: I am a psychic you know

Professor: so it's true?

Peter: yeah, Erik's...

Peter: Erik's my dad

Professor Cardigan: when did you find out?

Peter: couple days after the DC situation, I wanted to tell him but I was too late

Professor Cardigan: I'm sorry to hear that

Peter: now how did you find out?

Professor Cardigan: Funny story that, I kind of found out because of Erik.

Peter: what do you mean?

Professor Cardigan: he talked about you a lot. He told me how he felt bad for the fact that you didn't know who your dad was and how your dad didn't know you existed. He said that you looked a little uncomfortable when he tried to dig deeper.

Peter: If he asked me "where's your dad" I couldn't exactly say "he's talking to me right now"

Professor Cardigan: I remember Erik telling me about a girl he met once, about 16 years ago, but how he had to leave her to keep her safe

Peter: have you spoken to him about...what just happened?

Professor Cardigan: yes I have, that was what gave me the final clue

Peter: what...what did he say?

Professor Cardigan: I don't think I can reveal the details as it's private

Peter: ok, but can you tell me...does he hate me?

Professor Cardigan: goodness no, he hates himself as he thinks he's ruined everything

Peter: I need to talk to him, I don't know if I can tell him yet however I need to tell him that I don't hate him

Professor Cardigan: wait until the morning, I don't think he wanted to talk to anyone tonight

Peter: apart from you

Professor Cardigan: ...

Peter: can I ask you a personal question Charles?

Professor Cardigan: yes, I asked you one after all

Peter: Do you like my dad

Professor Cardigan: of course I like Erik, he's my best friend

Peter: that's not what I meant

Peter: do you LIKE him. As in romantically

Professor Cardigan: yes, I do

Peter: huh, so they were right

Professor Cardigan: what do you mean?

Peter: my friends said they knew for ages and Logan said it was the most obvious thing in the world

Professor Cardigan: I didn't realise it was that obvious

Peter: once they told me I was hitting myself for not spotting it before

Professor Cardigan: are you...are you ok with me being gay?

Professor Cardigan: I mean I know it's weird

Peter: Don't tell me your homophobic

Peter: Charles it's not weird to be gay

Peter: and of course I'm ok with it, I mean come I'm literally bisexual

Professor Cardigan: what's bisexual?

Peter: I like guys and girls

Professor Cardigan: huh I never knew that existed

Peter: well now you know

Peter: so other than me, have you told anyone about your crush on Erik?

Professor Cardigan: no, the only other person who knows that I'm Erik

Peter: not even Raven knows?

Professor Cardigan: no

Peter: I'm honoured that you told me

Professor Cardigan: thank you for not hating me

Peter: Professor I could never hate you

Professor Cardigan: thank you

Professor Cardigan: Peter, are...are all students as supportive as you?

Peter: no

Peter: don't worry I'm just kidding, most of the kids are supportive, it's just the older generations you have to watch out for

Professor Cardigan: ok thanks for the advice

Peter: of course you do get some exceptions, I mean look at Logan

Professor Cardigan: good point

Peter: just don't tell my brother that I called him old, he's kill me

Professor Cardigan: I won't tell him

Peter: thanks Charles I really want to live

Professor Cardigan: haha you're welcome Peter

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