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Chatting on 'The Most Amazing Mutants'

SexiestMotherfucker added Twin to the groupchat.

ThunderAndLightning: omg are you Peter's twin?

SexiestMotherfucker: I am welcoming to the groupchat my twin sister Wandaaaaa

Twin: yep, I'm Wanda

Buzzkill: nice to meet you

Arsehole: it is a pleasure to meet a pretty young lady such as yourself, Scott Summers at your service 😉

SexiestMotherfucker: Scott stop hitting on my sister

Arsehole: I was just talking to her

SexiestMotherfucker: still, stay away from my fucking sister

Twin: Peter I'm 16 not 6 🙄

SexiestMotherfucker: still, you're my sister

Buzzkill: I'm Jean by the way, ignore my nickname - Peter is an arse

Twin: I couldn't agree more

SexiestMotherfucker: I hate you

ThunderAndLightning: I'm Ororo

TheQuietGayTeleporter: I'm Kurt

SexiestMotherfucker: I'm Peter 😎😎😎

Twin: I already know who you are dumbass, who else would call themselves SexiestMotherfucker

SexiestMotherfucker: well it's true

ThunderAndLightning: ...

Twin: ...

Arsehole: ...

TheQuietGayTeleporter: it is true

Arsehole: hollllllld up waiitt a minute

Twin: damn

SexiestMotherfucker: seeeee Kurt agrees

ThunderAndLightning: he's your boyfriend

TheQuietGayTeleporter: :D

SexiestMotherfucker: I love you Kurt

TheQuietGayTeleporter: I love you too Peter

Twin: Hello everyone (except Peter)

SexiestMotherfucker: rooooode

Arsehole: no one cares

Buzzkill: be nice

ThunderAndLightning: like Scott is going to be nice

Arsehole: I'm always nice, especially when there is a pretty girl around

SexiestMotherfucker: stay away from my sister perv

Twin: no, maybe he could take me out on a date

Buzzkill: omg

SexiestMotherfucker: WHAT!?!?

ThunderAndLightning: this is brilliant

Arsehole: it would be my pleasure Miss Maximoff

Twin: good, tonight 6pm my room, watch a film?

Arsehole: perfect


TheQuietGayTeleporter: leave your sister alone Peter, she's 16, she can make her own decisions

SexiestMotherfucker: ...

Buzzkill: ha you can't bare to disobey Kurt can you Peter

ThunderAndLightning: lmao

SexiestMotherfucker: fine I'll leave you both alone so long as the door stays open 3 goddamn inches

Arsehole: alright

Twin: fine

SexiestMotherfucker: and Scott if - like usual - you are an arse, I will not hesitate to cause you pain and suffering. Logan may even get involved

Arsehole: ...I'll be good

Buzzkill: soooo overprotective

ThunderAndLightning: do you reckon he's more overprotective over Kurt or Wanda?

TheQuietGayTeleporter: tough question, very tough question

SexiestMotherfucker: ...

Twin: hmmmm idk

Buzzkill: so did you find out about Erik?

Twin: yes, I did

Arsehole: wait Peter told you?

SexiestMotherfucker: ...

Twin: no, he didn't

ThunderAndLightning: no surprises there

Twin: and be also didn't tell our dad that I existed

Buzzkill: that sounds like Peter

Arsehole: how do you feel about it all?

Twin: I don't really know, it's quite a lot to take in

TheQuietGayTeleporter: that's fair, don't worry, you'll get used to it

ThunderAndLightning: yeah at least you didn't run into your dad multiple times

SexiestMotherfucker: I hate you all

Twin: omg Peter you idiot

Arsehole: nahhhh you love us really

SexiestMotherfucker: that is highly debatable

TheQuietGayTeleporter: what about me?

SexiestMotherfucker: obviously I love you handsome

Twin: what about me?

SexiestMotherfucker: I hate you

Twin: rude

SexiestMotherfucker: karma

Buzzkill: be nice children

Arsehole: leave them Jean, they are siblings after all

Buzzkill: I suppose that's true

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