German men

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" you have anything to tell us?" Wanda smirked.

Kurt started to shake slightly with nerves; I squeezed his hand gently before grinning "mom, Wanda, I'd like for you to meet my boyfriend Kurt."

Nervously, he stepped forward his hand outstretched.

"Guten tag, it's nice to meet you." He whispered.

My mom smiled at him before gently shaking his hand "it's a pleasure to meet you Kurt."

"Nice to meet you Kurt." Wanda grinned.

"'re German?" My dad asked.

"Ja." Smiled Kurt.

"Ich mag dich, ich hoffe, ich kann dir vertrauen, dass du meinen Sohn nicht verletzt." My dad stated.

(I like you, I hope I can trust you not to hurt my son).

"Natürlich mag ich Peter wirklich, ich möchte ihn nicht verletzen." Kurt responded quickly.

(Of course, I really like Peter, I don't want to hurt him).

"English please." Logan grumbled.

"Good man. Peter you got yourself a good one, German people are the best." My dad grinned.

Kurt blushed happily - he looked adorable.

"Agreed." Charles murmured.

I rolled my eyes fondly and chuckled - my dad bent down and kissed Charles on the cheek which mad him blush.

"Oh get a room you two." Logan groaned.

"Zip it Wolfie." My dad grinned.

"I happen to disagree." My mum muttered.

Wanda rolled her eyes "oh leave off mom, it's adorable."

My mom glared at her before asking "um, headmaster, how do the fees work for this school?"

"There's no charge, all we need to do is find Wanda a room." Charles explained.

"Oh ok." My mom responded.

"How about I take her to find a room?" Suggested Erik.

"No no no I will not have my daughter alone with you ass face." My mom stated.

"She's my daughter as well, I want to get to know her." Erik responded simply.

"Mom I don't think you realise how many times I've been alone with dad. He's harmless really - he only looks like a bit of a twat." I grinned.

My dad rolled his eyes "Thanks for your ever so kind words Pete."

"Mom please, I want to get to know my dad." Wanda begged.

"But he was never there for you." My mom argued.

"Magda I was never told about my children, how can you expect me to be there when I never knew they existed." Erik whispered.

Wanda walked over to my dad and hugged him gently, I walked over and hugged him too. Our dad wrapped his arms around both of us and whispered "I'm sorry I wasn't there."

"It's alright dad, you're here now." Wanda and I both responded.

Erik chuckled slightly before letting go of us. I looked over at my mom; she smiled back at me before nodding.

"Alright go with your dad. I'm sorry I blamed you Erik it wasn't your fault."

"Thank you Magda." My dad smiled.

"Thanks mom." Wanda grinned.

Wanda, my dad, Kurt and I turned around and walked away. Wanda was bubbling with excitement which made my dad chuckle and smile fondly at her.

"Your family seems very nice." Kurt commented.

"Strange as fuck more like." I laughed.

Kurt laughed - it was one of the best sounds ever. I stopped dead, my dad and Wanda continued to walk down the corridor bust getting to know each other.

"What's wrong Peter?" Kurt asked.

"Nothing, I just wanted to say something." I grinned.

"What did you want to say?" Kurt asked.

"I love you."

Kurt gasped before he gently kissed my lips.

"I love you too." He whispered back.

I beamed widely at him before we went to catch up to Wanda and my dad.

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