I have a daughter?

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At 10am the next day, I was waiting in the entrance hall to my school with Charles next to me.

"Are you ok Peter?" Charles asked.

"Yeah I'm good thanks Professor." I grinned.

A hand grabbed mine - it was Kurt.

"Hey handsome." I smiled before gently kissing his cheek.

"Hello Liebling." Kurt grinned.

I blushed slightly which caused Charles to chuckle quietly. He was looking at Kurt and I with a fond smile on his face I shot him a grin. 

My mom walked into the school at that moment, my twin sister trailing behind her. I grinned over at them "hey mom, hey Wanda."

I let go of Kurt's hand and hugged my mom and sister tightly.

"Peter you're an idiot." Wanda rolled her eyes.

"Good to see you too sis." I laughed.

Erik walked out of his room and over to Charles.

"Hey handsome." He grinned before kissing Charles' cheek.

"Erik we're in public, I need to speak to a parent." Charles whispered.

"Give me a kiss first." Erik murmured.

Charles lent up and gently kissed Erik on the lips. I smiled fondly at the sight of them - they really were adorable.

My dad straightened up and took a quick glance towards my mom before turning to walk away. When it had sunk in who he had seen, he spun around and gasped "Magda?"

I had to try not to laugh at the look on my dad's face.

"Erik?" My mom gasped before walking forward and slapping him around the face.

The laughter I had been keeping in burst out of me. Kurt had to hold me up to stop me from falling over as I was laughing so hard.

"Please refrain from slapping my boyfriend Ms Maximoff while you are in my school." Charles stated cooly.

"No Charles I deserved it." My dad responded.

"Still I don't do well with violence." Charles said.

"Charles you said that to Logan before punching my dad in the face." I chuckled.

"Well he deserved it." Charles mumbled.

"Thanks a lot Charles." My dad grumbled as he grabbed Charles' hand.

I roared with laughter.

"Mom, who is that man and why did you slap him?" Wanda asked.

"That man is called Erik Lehnsherr. He just so happens to be your father." My mom announced.

"Wait what?" My dad exclaimed.

"Peter did you not tell ass face about Wanda?" My mom asked.

"I was planning to buy I got a bit...preoccupied." I smirked at Kurt who blushed in response.

"I have a daughter, Peter you little shit why didn't you tell me." My dad gaped.

"Oi don't call my son a little shit." My mom shouted.

"Love you too dad." I called.

Wanda walked over to our dad and stared at him. She held out her hand "Wanda Maximoff."

"Erik Lehnsherr." My dad responded, shaking her hand.

"I'm still trying to decide if I should kick you in the balls or give you a hug." She announced bluntly.

"I think Charles would prefer I'd you did the second one." Logan called.

"Logan I swear to god." Glared Charles.

"Brother now's not the best time." I laughed.

"I know, that's exactly why I did it," He grinned, "Logan Howlett, Pete's big brother."

He shook my mom's hand as she responded "Magda Maximoff, Peter and Wanda's brother. Are you Erik's son?"

"Oh God no, I'm Peter's unofficial brother." Logan laughed.

My mom laughed slightly.

"I sincerely apologize for my rudeness, I'm Professor Charles Xavier, founder of this school." Charles announced formally.

He wheeled himself towards my mom before shaking her hand.

"Magda Maximoff."

"Hi I'm Wanda." My sister grinned, shaking Charles' hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Wanda, wow you have some very strong abilities." Charles grinned.

"You know what she can do?" My mom asked.

"Yes I have similar abilities myself however I believe Wanda may need more training than I did for her to be able to control them." Charles explained.

"Mom I like him, I want to come to this school." Wanda exclaimed.

I grinned at her before looking over at my mom. She looked as though she was about to say no however at the sight of how exciting my twin sister was, she sighed "alright I suppose."

"Yayyy thanks mom!"

I grabbed Kurt's hand and squeezed it gently, I could tell that he was nervous with the fact that he was near people he didn't know (especially since they were my blood family). He relaxed at my touch and I whispered in his ear "don't worry Kurt, I'm here."

Kurt smiled shyly at me before he gently kissed my lips "danke Peter."

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