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"Shocking, Jane isn't being a buzzkill." I gasped.

"You should be careful, what if Professor McCoy heard you." Whispered Kurt.

Hank McCoy was our science teacher who had a rather unique mutation. He could turn into what we called 'The Beast'. It wasn't as bad as we made it, he just went blue and grew fur and had super strength. He looked kind of like a lion but y'know blue. It was funny as Hank is one of the kindest people ever - we all say he just had a case of fury-blue-pms (Logan's words not mine).

"I'm not scared of the blue fluffball." I laughed.

"Oh my day's Peter." Laughed Scott.

Ororo fell off her chair as she laughed loudly and even Kurt let out a weak chuckle.

"Why are you all laughing like lunatics?" A voice asked.

I turned around so fast I almost gave myself whiplash (which is quite funny given that it's normally me who gives people whiplash - because of my powers) and saw my dad standing behind us.

"Oh erm hello Erik." I mumbled.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked.

"I was just coming out of my room to go get my lunch when I heard your loud laughter." Erik explained.

"You need to get a walkman, then you wouldn't be able to hear us." I laughed.

"What's a walkman?" He asked.

I felt like I had been stabbed. He doesn't know what a walkman is??? Uncultured bugger.

"I shall tell him that." A voice laughed in my head.

"Nooooo please don't." I pleaded unfortunately, I can't speak telepathically so everyone turned to stare at me.

"Peter are you ok?" Erik asked.

"Oh yeah, sorry it was just Professor Cardigan." I mumbled.

"Oi I heard that." Charles' voice echoed in my head causing me to snicker.

"I don't think he's happy about me calling him Professor Cardigan." I smirked.

"Did he read your mind?" Asked Ororo.

"Charles doesn't like to read people's minds, he does however accidentally overhear thoughts quite a bit of the time." Erik explained.

"Peter, you gonna tell Erik what a walkman is?" Scott asked.

"Yes, it's only the best creation ever, it allows you to listen to music." I explained, showing him my walkman.

"I've never been much of a fan of music." Erik stated.

"You'll love some of the stuff I listen to." I grinned.

I was about to ask my dad if he wanted to listen to something however Logan called "Oi Cornetto, Wheels wants to talk to you."

My dad glared at Logan "I hate you."

I snickered.

"Yeah that's bullshit." Logan laughed, "Now go see Charles."

I swear I saw my father's cheeks turn a bit pink. Does he...like Charles?

"D-Erik, can I talk to you later?" I called.

"Yeah, of course you can kid." He grinned.

When he had walked away, Scott smirked "did you almost call him dad?"

I blushed "keep your voice down."

"Alright for Charles' sake whenever we talk about Dadneto we keep our voices down. Agreed?" Jane stated.

Kurt gave a thumbs up to show he had understood, while the rest of my friends murmured in agreement.

"Have you got something to tell me little bro?" Logan asked.

"Logan you have a phone don't you?" I said.

"Yes, unlike the professor I'm not an old man."

I laughed "how ironic given that you ARE and old man aren't you like 150?"

"Yeah but thanks to my mutation I don't look a day over 30." He grinned.

"Right give me your number then I'll message you." I stated.

Logan handed me his phone and I put in my number.


Logan and Peter are chatting privately.

Logan: So what is it you wanted to tell me?


Peter: I have a dad

Logan: no shit

Peter: what I mean is I know who my dad is

Logan: who is he?

Peter: erm

Peter: well my dad is...

Peter: Erik

Logan: WHAT, HOW???

Peter: really, you ask how?

Peter: you of all people need me to explain that Erik is my dad because he banged my mum

Logan: wrong question to ask

Peter: agreed

Logan: have you told him?

Peter: no

Logan: are you gonna tell him?

Peter: I want to but I can't just yet


Peter changed his name to Quicksilver
Peter changed Logan's name to Wolverine


Wolverine: if he gets mad, just get Charles to talk to him

Quicksilver: will be listen?

Wolverine: I mean probably not however it's the best thing to do

Quicksilver: ok

Quicksilver: Thanks Logan

Wolverine: no problem kiddo


Hank McCoy (Beast)

Authors opinion on character: he is adorable, I love Hank

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Authors opinion on character: he is adorable, I love Hank

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