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Chatting on 'The Most Amazing Mutants'.

SexiestMotherfucker: So I had a midnight talk with my dad last night

Buzzkill: oh no what did you do

SexiestMotherfucker: I ran into him

ThunderAndLightning: what again?

SexiestMotherfucker: yep

Arsehole: you're an idiot

TheQuietGayTeleporter: are you and Mr Lehnsherr ok Peter?

SexiestMotherfucker: I'm fine, I think my dad is too

Buzzkill: why were you talking to your dad in the middle of the night in the first place?

SexiestMotherfucker: because I wanted a midnight snack

Buzzkill: you have no idea how hard I'm rolling my eyes right now

ThunderAndLightning: haha

SexiestMotherfucker: =(

Arsehole: so did you tell him?

SexiestMotherfucker: no I didn't

ThunderAndLightning: you should have it would have been really sweet

SexiestMotherfucker: I just couldn't

Arsehole: no you were being a coward

SexiestMotherfucker: you take that back right now

Arsehole: no you were a coward

Arsehole: C O W A R D

Buzzkill: Scott stop it

TheQuietGayTeleporter: everyone please, be nice


I ran towards Scott at full speed before punching him for the second time in 2 days. Only this time he punched me back. We continued punching each other until I felt a hand on the back of my t-shirt pulling me and Scott apart.

"Hey stop this." Commanded Logan.

Scott and I stopped trying to punch each other. Logan let go of us then turned to me "Peter what happened?"

"He called me a coward." I sulked.

"Well you are one." Scott shrugged.

"I'll deal with this, Pete I was supposed to tell you that Wheels wants to see you." Logan announced.

"He'll kill you for calling him wheels." I chuckled.

"Nahhh he loves me too much." Chuckled Logan.

I rolled my eyes. Logan was kind of like an older brother to me - we can't actually remember how we met however it was probably some weird-ass circumstance.

As I walked away I overheard the conversation between Logan and Scott.

"If you ever hurt my little brother again I will I will rip you to pieces with my claws. You'll regret ever messing around with *dramatic pause* The Wolverine. Do you understand?" Logan growled.

"Y-yes." Mumbled Scott.

As I walked to the Professor's office, I couldn't help but laugh at how dramatic Logan was.

I knocked on the door and a voice called "come in."

I opened the door and saw Professor Xavier sat in his wheelchair at his desk.

"Ah Peter, I take it you got my message, do come in." The professor smiled.

"Yes Logan said that 'wheels' needed to talk to me so here I am." I snickered.

As I shut the door behind me the professor muttered "I'm going to kill him."

"Ha I told Logan that you would kill him." I laughed.

My Professor laughed before smiling "take a seat Peter, you said you wanted to talk to me about something?"

Nodding, I sat down.

"Well um, you see Professor, I have something that I was told and erm I don't exactly know what I should do with this information." I mumbled.

"Please, call me Charles Peter. We've known each other long enough for it to be appropriate. If you don't mind me asking, what is this information?"

"Well it's erm it's kind of hard to explain." I stammered.

"Take your time, no need to rush." He smiled.

I took a deep breath, should I do it? I really wanted to do it but COULD I do it?

"I don't know if I can tell you, I really want to but I can't I just don't know how to. Sorry for wasting your time Professor."

I looked up, expecting to find my Professor staring down at me with anger that I had wasted time in his busy schedule however instead he was smiling at me.

"It's perfectly ok Peter, you can come and tell me when you are ready."

"Do you, do you think I could get your number in case I need to talk to you?" I asked nervously.

"I normally give out my email address however given what you have had to go through with me I don't see any problem. Let me just find a bit of paper." He chuckled slightly.

I couldn't help but laugh "seriously Professor how old are you, you can just type your number into my phone."

I handed my professor my phone and he typed in his number.

"Thanks." I grinned.

"You're most welcome and for the record I am 39." He chuckled.

"Wow not even 40 and already you dress like an 80 year old in those cardigans." I giggled hysterically.

"Cheeky." He rolled his eyes "you've definitely spent too much time with Logan."

I grinned innocently at him "I don't know what you mean Charles."

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