My Brother's Bestfriend pt. 2

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I smiled as I walked through the door of my class. I knew I looked good with my low faded eyes, especially with my makeup done. I had just freshened up, sprayed on my perfume and everything.

Bitch, you're too happy knowing Pea can't get hard. Who knows, maybe my ancestors Santos got to him.

I handed the pass back to my teacher who just gave me an awkward look before making my way to my seat. As I passed by SweetPea, his head popped up and we quickly glanced at each other before I looked away, still feeling his eyes on me.

Yeah, baby. I know you smelled me and my Vicky Secret coming through.

I sat down slowly and offered Toni a wide smile. SweetPea turned to face us which surprised me, even made my heart race a little bit. "T," Pea paused before turning his attention to the blonde haired girl. He started conversations with her and I just leaned my face against the palm of my hand as my elbow supported itself on the desktop beneath me. I couldn't help but stare at Pea's features, from his lips to his hands.

I began to get lost in the memory of the night I got back, and all of the events that took place that night.

Dab with this man in front of me is not a good combo. I'm supposed to wanna beat the fuck out of him, not his dick.

FP had thrown me a welcome home party at The Wyrm- to celebrate my release from juvie. We all got drunk, of course, and my brother and I came back to our trailer along with SweetPea. Fangs passed out on the couch and SweetPea and I came back to my room to smoke and munch away on some food. I didn't expect it to go so far.

I remember the feeling of Pea's dick growing harder in his jeans as I was grinding myself against him. He had one hand getting lost in my hair and the other gripping my ass, guiding and pacing my grinding. His face was buried in the crook of my neck, lips attached to my skin, sucking and licking slightly, causing me to moan quietly feeling his jagged breathing fanning against my body.

'Fangs wouldn't look at me the same if he found out I'm creeping with his best friend. But It's been so long since I was last touched so intimately. I don't want to stop.'

Pea pulled away from my neck and kissed my lips softly and passionately. "Pea," I spoke softly as I pulled away. "What's wrong, baby?" He asked as he used one hand to brush the hair out of my face. This caused butterflies to appear in my chest.

"Nothing, I just.. I haven't done this since you and I..." I trailed off with a shy embarrassed smile spreading across my face- I could feel my cheeks burning up.

I was nervous. SweetPea wasn't just anybody to me, he was someone I grew up with- someone I was always connected to. I didn't want this to make things weird.

"Wait, really?" He asked as his hands were now placed on my hips, our grinding movement had stopped and he just waited for a response. I hesitated as I began to overthink.

"Yes.." I nodded my head softly. "Do you want to stop?" The dark haired boy asked as he stared into my eyes. My eyes flickered between his lips and his eyes before letting out a quick "No." and crashing my lips back onto his.

"Y/n, Hello." Toni waved her hand in my face pulling me out of my thoughts. I blinked a couple of times before bringing my focus back to the two serpents who were just staring back at me. "My bad." I giggled softly, noticing I had zoned out while staring at SweetPea.

"What were you thinking about?" Toni asked as she glanced between SweetPea and I. Fuck.

"Lunch. I got the munchies and a bitch could eat. I wonder what they're serving today." I lied right through my smile.

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