I've got your back

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"You're a whore, (y/n)!" My step father shouted at me as I sat at the kitchen table eating my apple. My mother sat there, not doing a damn thing to stop it. "That's good to know." I replied sarcastically, as I took another bite of my apple. I wasn't about to waste my time arguing with a 40 year old man who obviously doesn't know what respect is. It was 5 to 7. "Sandra! You're just going to let your daughter fuck some southsider by the name of 'SWEET PEA'?!" He shouted as he banged his hand on the table. "First of all you hobo, Pea and I aren't fucking. And second of all, even if we were, it's none of your concern. You're not my biological father nor are you my legal guardian so guess what, you can fuck off and shut your trap because I can take care of myself." I replied getting up from the table and throwing my apple in the trash. "Yeah, well if you're so big and tall, get the fuck out of my house that I pay for!" He shouted at me. My mother gasped "Robert, no! She's only 16!" She shouted. I heard them argue as I walked up the stairs of Roberts house and grabbed a trash bag. I filled it with my clothes, and needed essentials. It's a good thing I had all my checks from Pop's saved along with some tutoring money I had earned. I grabbed my book bag and the trash bag. I decided to turn to the only person who I truly felt was always there for me, my best friend Sweet Pea. I was a Northsider and he was a Southsider. We met at one of Cheryl's keg parties and sorta just hit it off from there. I found his number on my phone, called and waited for him to answer. It only took one ring before he answered with a loud groan. "(Y/n)? Why're you calling me at this ungodly hour?" He asked with his raspy morning voice. "Pea, it's 6:57 AM.. you should be awake and getting ready for school." He chuckled at my response. "(Y/n/n), it's Memorial Day... there's no school today." I face palmed myself. Of course. "I guess I forgot." I replied plainly. "So.. are you going to answer my question?" He asked with a small yawn. "Right well.. I've officially been kicked out of Roberts house and need a place to crash until FP Can lease me a trailer at the trailer park. Can you come pick me up?" I asked innocently. Sweet Pea chuckled into the phone. "I'll be there in 15." And with that he hung up.

After about 10 minutes I heard Sweet Pea honk. I smiled and walked downstairs with my book bag in one hand, and the trash bag in the other. "Where do you think you're going?" I heard my stepfather ask as he sat on the couch reading the newspaper. I ignored him and walked out the door. I looked at Sweet Pea who sat in his truck with a messy bed head in his famous black serpent jacket. I smiled at the view. I'm glad he didn't bring his motorcycle because I don't know what I would've done with these damn bags. As I inched closer to his truck, he got out and walked over to me. He grabbed the trash bag from my hand and placed it in the back of his truck. I gave him a small smile before he embraced me in a hug which I gladly returned. "Thanks for coming" I said in barely a whisper. "Of course, (y/n/n)." We let go of each other after a few moments and I just looked up at the tall serpent. Suddenly we heard the front door of my- I mean Roberts house open. This caused me to turn around quickly and Sweet Pea to look up. Robert came out holding a baseball bat. Sweet Pea stood in front of me. "I don't want your slutty self to ever come back to my house again. Or I swear to god, I'll beat you senseless with this very bat until you take your last breath. Do you hear me?!" He spoke up pointing the bat in Pea and I's direction. "Is that a threat, Mr. (y/l/n)?" Pea spoke up. "Why yes, Pea, yes it is." Robert replied. "So you better hope she doesn't change her mind about you later on. You know how a whore's mind works.. they just get tired of the same thing." I could see a smirk on Roberts face. That was all it took for Sweet Pea to basically teleport over to where Robert stood a few feet away from us and punch his square in the temple causing Robert to knock out cold and fall face down on the grass. My mom came out screaming bloody murder going on and on about how Sweet Pea shouldn't o have done that.. bla bla bla. Sweet Pea snatched the bat out of Roberts hand and threw it in the back of his truck. "You won't be needing that" was all he whispered. I was in shock at Pea's actions. I got into his truck and as he was about to get into his truck, he hesitantly  turned to my mom and began to speak "I'm sorry, Mrs. (y/l/n).. I just couldn't allow your husband to speak that way to (y/n). And if you would've heard his threat-" my mom cut Sweet Pea off  "It's okay, Sweet Pea. Just leave.. please." Sweet Pea's jaw clenched and he just nodded before finally getting into his truck and we drove off. The car ride was silent. Mostly because he already knew I was awkward even if we were close. "Do you want to stop by Pop's and get some breakfast?" He asked as we got closer to the Diner. I nodded my head and he just turned his attention back to the road. A few minutes passed and we finally parked. "Do you want to eat here or take it to go?" He asked as he removed his seatbelt. "Mmm.. to go?" I replied unsure. "Let me go with you." I said with a small smile. He just looked at me. "Please?" I asked innocently. He furrowed his eyebrows before nodding at me "Come on." He said under his breath. As we walked into Pop's the first group of people I saw was Jughead and his small group of friends sitting at a booth. Since whenever I hung out with them at school, I was an outcast in their group, I decided to just ignore them.. I could talk to Jughead later. Pea and I walked up to the cashier where Pop stood on the phone. I was definitely feeling a lot less anxious than before I left the house. Pea rung the bell a few times before muttering some words under his breath. Suddenly Veronica appeared in front of the cashier register with a plain face. "Hey, (y/n).. what Can I Get ya?" She asked while already preparing a note pad and pen. "Can my friend here have a stack of blueberry pancakes with scrambled eggs and a side of bacon. And for me.. I'll just have the same." I replied while grabbing a ball of change from my back pocket. "Ou, put your money away, princess. I'm paying." Pea said in a small joking tone as he pulled out his wallet. "I just wanted an excuse to flex with my 1 dollar bills." I replied with a smile. "That'll be $3.75" Veronica spoke up, interrupting our small chat. Pea handed her a five "can we have it to go please?" I added. She only nodded in response. "$1.25 is your change. Your order will be ready soon." She said before sticking the small paper with our order on a stack of other orders and she walked back to the booth with Jughead and his friends. Sweet Pea draped his arm around my shoulders and we walked to the other side of the counter where there were high chairs that sat in front of the counter. He sat down with his back against the counter and I stood in between his legs. I was messing around with his hair and turning him into an 'Emo God' as I liked to call it when suddenly I felt someone's palm make contact with my ass. I didn't think in the moment, I just acted. With out hesitation I turned around quickly and punched this mystery person in the nose as hard as I could. This earned a gasp from many people in the diner, including me as I finally realized what I had just done. I looked down to see Chuck Clayton who flinched and got down a bit. "Yo, what the hell man!" Sweet Pea shouted. He got up off the chair and stood tall behind me. "Fuck, (y/n)! You've got an arm on you." Was all Chuck said throwing his head back to make sure no blood dripped down. "Oh, bite me you inconsiderate perv." I felt Sweet Pea move closer to me, I know what he was doing. He was trying to start something. "Back off, Chuck" Pea spoke up. "I see you've got your little Southside boy toy to keep you company." Chuck said pointing to Sweet Pea. "The Hell do you care? Go away!" Suddenly the bell rang and Pop walked up to the counter handing us our food. "Thanks, Pop." I said with a smile. "No problem, (y/n).. bye friend of (y/n)'s." Was all Pop said to Pea with a smile. Before we walked out of the Diner I heard Pop speak up to who I'm guessing was Chuck. "Chuck, if I see you pull something like that again, I'll make sure to inform sheriff Keller to go and have talk with your father." Pop said while smiling widely. Chuck only put his head down in embarrassment as some people in the diner, including his friends laughed. I smirked and finally walked out of the small diner with Sweet Pea right behind me.

*time skip to Sweet Pea's trailer*
I sat next to Sweet Pea in his bed, my legs stretched out in front of me with my back leaned against the wall. I shoved the small remainder of pancakes in my mouth and ate it. It was oddly quiet.. too quiet. Sweet Pea stared at me with a plain expression. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and furrowed my eyebrows. "What?!" I asked confused. "Nothing.. I- I'm just trying to figure this one girl out." He said looking down at his hands that sat on his lap. "Ou! Who is it?!" I asked. Not to suck my own dick or anything but, I kinda knew Pea liked me because I heard him talking on the phone with one of his friends the other night when he thought I was asleep.. but to be honest, I really really really really REALLY liked him too.. I just wanted to hear him admit his feelings for me. "Take a guess" he said with a smirk. I bit my bottom lip and thought of some names. "Mmmm.. Josie?!" I shouted. He shook his head and laughed.. after a few more guesses I realized that we'd be inching closer towards each other 'till our lips were almost touching. I couldn't wait any longer and I crashed my lips into his, he quickly kissed back. I straddled him with out breaking the kiss and placed my small hands on either side of his neck. He placed his hands on my hips. He took my bottom lip in between his teeth and gently bit down. It was weird but somewhat a turn on. He stopped the kiss and began to leave a trail of wet and sloppy kisses down my jawline and then my neck. He nibbled the spot on my earlobe causing a small whimper to fall from my lips. And suddenly I just stopped him. "Pea, Pea-" I said shakily. He stopped and looked at me with a confused look. "I think I know who you like.. is it me?" I stated jokingly. He chuckled a little.. "Oh my god! How did you know?!" He asked dramatically. "Just a small hunch." I replied before placing another small peck on his lips. I got up off him and sat back down where I was before. "So what now?" He asked.. I can't believe this imbecile doesn't have the balls to just ask me out. "Why Yes, Pea! I'd love to be your girlfriend." I said sarcastically. He looked at me and smiled. "That's an understatement. (Y/n), would you like to be my serpent princess?" He asked with a small smile. I mentally cringed at what he had just said but fuck it.. I wanna be with this dork. "Of course" I replied with a smile.

Cliché ending.. what're y'all going to do about it 😭😂 don't forget to vote!

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