You cheated pt. 2

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"Y/n!" Sweet Pea shouted at me as I made my way past the people in the crowded halls of SouthSide high.

"Y/n! Don't walk away from me!" I heard him shout. People started backing away from me and just looking. I walked faster before making it to the bathroom.

I didn't look at anyone as I walked inside a stall and slammed it shut.

"Y/n?" I heard someone say from the other side of the stall door.

"Not right now, Peaches. I can't right now, I can't. I can't believe he fucking did that!" I sobbed as I punched the stall door.

"Ow, fuck." I hissed in pain as the cut that had already been healing opened again.

"Who did what?" Peaches said through the door.

"Y/n/n, open the door." She said softly. Then I heard someone slam the bathroom door open.

"Where is she! Is she in here?!" Pea shouted.

"Yeah, Y/n is here. Pea, what's going on?" Peaches replied.

"Baby, listen to me. She means nothing to me. You're all I want!" Pea cried through the door.

I opened the stall door and my face was right at his chest. I didn't bother looking up to meet his gaze. I couldn't. I spent all my time building up this wall so I wouldn't get hurt, I let it down for a few seconds and BOOM, we're back where we started; broken, alone and angry. So fucking angry.

"Move." I muttered when Sweet Pea just stood there.

"No, baby, no! Don't push me away." He cried.

"I said MOVE!" I shouted before shoving him out of my way. He stumbled back a bit and began to cry even harder.

"Baby!" He cried.

"Don't fucking "baby" me. I'm not yours. I'm not your world, your heart, your love.. because it was all a lie! WE, were just a lie! You're dead to me. Don't fucking come near me." I said as I looked at Peaches.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry, Peaches. But I can't be here to answer any questions right now. Take care." I said flatly as I stormed out of the bathroom. Of course Pea followed.

I looked at the watch on my wrist; 7:56. The bell should be ringing soon. What the fuck am I thinking? I can't go to class like this.. I gotta go. I gotta leave.

"Baby!" Pea shouted. Suddenly, I felt his arms wrap around me and bring me into a hug. I flipped the switch, he did me sooo wrong. I have to let him go.

"C'mon, baby! It won't happen again, I promise. You know me. You know I keep my promises." he cried.

Promise is just a word. It means nothing. It's complete and utter bullshit.

"I don't know you." I said flatly as i looked straight ahead and let another tear roll down my red face. After those words left my mouth, I pulled out of his grip and ran out of the school.

It probably wasn't safe to be speeding down the road on a motorcycle with blurry, teary eyes but fuck it. Life's a bitch ain't it.

6 months later
We got transferred to Riverdale High after SouthSide high was shut down by Hiram Lodge. So now here I am, with my new friend.

"We're soo gonna ace this project!" Reggie shouted enthusiastically as I finished typing up the last sentence on his laptop.

I giggled. "Yeah, because you lucked out and got paired with a smart girl." I smiled.

Sweet Pea smut and imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now