Where's Sweet Pea? pt.2

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I heard a truck pull up in front of my trailer and peeked through the curtain to see that it was FP's truck. He had two familiar motorcycles in the back. I guess Sweet Pea and Fangs got a ride. I shrugged it off and sat back down on the couch.

The door knob moved a bit and the door swung open, hitting the wall behind it. Sweet Pea and FP walked in with Fangs' arms draped over their shoulders. Fangs seemed to be passed out causing them to drag his tippy toes on the floor.

"Just lay him down on the couch." Was all I said as I stood up off the couch and walked over to the men, helping them with Fangs. We gently placed him on the couch and I removed his jacket. I grabbed the blanket I was using and placed it over him. "Idiot" I muttered under my breath.

"Thanks for bringing him back." I said smiling at FP. "No problem, (y/n/n)." He replied smiling as well. Sweet Pea and FP went back outside to lower the bikes from FP's truck.

Sweet Pea and I said our goodbyes to FP and made our way back inside the trailer. Sweet Pea glanced at Fangs who was passed out on the couch and softly shook his head. "Imma go shower." Was all he said before walking past me and into the bathroom.

He didn't even pay attention to me. Did I do something wrong? Maybe he's just stressed. I made my way to the bathroom and quietly opened the door, making sure Pea didn't hear me. His clothes were scattered all over the floor and he was already in the shower.

I quietly undressed myself and got into the shower, trying not to make noise with the curtain. His back was facing me and I just watched as the water droplets ran down his back.

I took a step closer and got on my tippy toes, placing a gentle kiss on the back of his shoulder. He hesitantly turned around and smiled down at me. "Hey." He said softly. "Hi, baby." I replied back with a small smile.

Usually Pea would smile back whenever I called him baby, but right now he just seemed a little off. "What's wrong?" I frowned as I looked up at the tall boy.

He put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him. I cupped his face and just stared deeply into his eyes. Sweet Pea didn't respond. He just lowered his head down and kissed me, hard.

I allowed my hands to make their way to his hair as I lightly tugged at it. Our lips just fit together like a puzzle. Sweet Pea's hand sat perfectly on my ass as he grabbed and caressed it. I let out a small gasp when his hand came down and laid a firm slap on my ass. Pea knows I love the sting.

Sweet Pea detached his lips from mine and began placing sloppy kisses all over my neck. I could feel his hard dick against my skin. I reached my hand down and grabbed it, slowly pumping it. A small groan escaped Pea's lips as I began making a twisting motion.

Sweet Pea laid his forehead on mine and just stared intensely into my eyes. "You like that?" I asked softly. Sweet Pea just breathed heavily. "You want me to make you feel good, baby? Let me make you feel good." I said as I watched him nod his head vigorously.

"Do it then, y/n. Make me feel good." He said lowly as his hand gripped the hair on the back of my head. I smirked and placed gentle kisses on his jawline, trailing down to his neck, his abs and I was finally on my knees, placing kisses on his V-line.

I innocently looked into his eyes while I teasingly licked circles around his tip. I did this for a few more moments until Pea looked me dead in the eyes. "Don't tease me, princess." He growled lowly.

I smirked before licking a long stripe up his dick and taking all of him in my mouth. I placed my hands behind his thighs and began bopping my head forward, allowing his dick to hit the back of my throat.

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