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You're an awkward and quiet kid, otherwise known as a 'mute'.

I walked into my science class and sat down in the very back. I hate school so much. I hate the people, and just the vibes. I get shit for being so quiet but the truth is, if I didn't stay quiet, I'd probably be in the principals office every single fucking day for going off on someone like Reggie Mantle or one of my idiotic teachers who thinks they know more than me because they've got a masters degree or because they're a few decades older than me. The closest thing I had to a friend was actually this kid named Fangs who had gotten transferred from Southside high after it got shut down. He's a serpent. Ironic isn't it? We met in my P.E class and we've kinda just spoken to each other from there. I opened up my journal and took out a black pen.

After a few minutes, the bell rang indicating that passing period was over and that class was now in session. The class was so loud.

"Alright class, settle down." The teacher spoke up.
"Today you guys will be studying a frogs anatomy, jotting down notes and answering questions from the booklets that I've left in the middle of your desks. You will be working in groups of three-" the teacher didn't even get to finish his sentence because the class started to whisper and make side conversations with the people they wanted to work with. "Don't get it twisted, kids. I've already chosen your partners." Many of the students in the class sighed and 'Awed' as the teacher began to call out names. I wasn't paying attention 'till I heard my name.. "(y/n), you're with Sweet Pea and Reggie." I sighed and put my head down. Fuck. I heard Reggie begin to argue with the teacher. Suddenly, I felt someone standing right next to me. I looked up slowly to see a tall, handsome serpent standing beside my table. His jaw was clenched. "Do I sit next to you orr" he trailed off. I didn't reply. All I did was remove my book bag from the chair next to me so he could sit. He took a seat and sighed, looking down at the carvings in the table. He traced them with his fingers. "Woah, these are so dark and mysterious" I heard him mutter under his breath as he traced one of the carvings. Thanks, I carved those. I sighed once again and looked up to see Mantle walking towards my desk. He smacked his lips and sat across from me. "Let's get this shit over with. Let's get one thing clear.. we only talk this once and that's for this stupid project. I don't want to be seen socializing with you people." He said with a tone. "What the hell do you mean 'you people'?!" Sweet Pea replied. I was going through the booklet full of questions and couldn't hear myself think from these two idiots. "Shut up! I can't hear myself think!" I whisper shouted. I saw a smirk come across Sweet Peas face from the corner of my eye and saw Reggie roll his eyes. "Oh, Can it." Reggie replied. "I'll do all the damn work, just sit here and shut up so it'll look like we're all doing something." I said with a tone. They both shut their mouths and I was able to do the project on my own. After about twenty minutes, I got up from my seat and took the project over to the teacher. "(Y/n)? Done do soon?" I only nodded in response. I walked back to my seat and pulled out my journal from my book bag. Reggie had already left but Sweet Pea sat in the same spot, admiring the carvings on my desk. "You Can leave now" I said plainly as I looked for a pencil. "Nah, I kinda like it back here." He replied. I shook my head and ignored it. Whatever. I finished my rough sketch of a an odd shaped bumble bee with a human looking head and face. It was kinda funny. I smiled at the sketch as I pulled out an eraser to clean it up. "Hey- That looks like these carvings.. like the style.. are these carvings yours?" Sweet Pea spoke up. I didn't bother looking at him. I just bit my lip and hesitantly nodded. "You're not a big talker, huh?" He asked. I chuckled at his question. If this is his way of making small talk, he needs to cut that shit out. "I think I've seen you and Fangs talk during P.E sometimes. It's cool of you to not judge us so quick based off of where we were born and raised. Thanks for that." He said calmly. I shrugged and didn't reply. We sat there in silence 'till the bell rang signaling that it was time to go to second period.

The day went by pretty quick. It was finally sixth period, P.E. I walked out of the girls locker room wearing my grey sweatpants, OG high top converse and a Riverdale High P.E shirt that I cut into a crop top because summer was approaching and I wasn't about to be sweating like a bitch. The whole P.E class was scattered around the gym while the teacher did the role call.

After about fifteen minutes, the teacher told us that we'd have an easy day due to it being a Friday so most of the girls sat on the bleachers and talked while the boys played basketball. I decided to play basketball since I was pretty good and didn't have a female friend to talk to. I was on Fangs' team. Sweet Pea threw the ball towards Fangs but Reggie stepped in and caught it. While Reggie was busy taunting the serpent while running towards the basket, he didn't notice I was behind him and he somehow tripped on my foot. He fell and dropped the ball which I picked up off the floor and without hesitation I threw it into Reggie's net. "Nice job, (y/n)!" Fangs shouted while flashing me a smile. Reggie got up off the floor and made his way over to me. He got in my face,
"You did that on purpose!" He said while poking my chest. "Hey, I'm not another one of your male pals! Back the fuck up you arrogant asshole!" I started walking backwards as he got closer. "Back off!" I heard Fangs shout. I was so sick of this bullshit. I stopped and shoved Reggie away from me. "Oh you're gonna pay you fucking freak!" He said walking back towards me. Suddenly I felt someone snake their arm around my waist. I looked up to see a tall handsome serpent, Sweet Pea. "Back off, Mantle." Pea said plainly. "What the fuck do you care?" Reggie replied. Sweet Pea smirked "because.. you see, Reggie, (y/n) is my girl. And if you so much as look at her again, I'll end you." Sweet Pea said while pulling me closer to him. What. The. Fuck. Reggie scoffed "oh shut up. You two are NOT dating and that's a fact." He said crossing his arms over his chest. Everyone was shocked. "Oh but we are" Pea replied. "Prove it" Reggie replied. I looked up at Pea and he looked down at me. His smirk widened as he lowered his head down and connected his lips with mine. His touch was gentle, something I wouldn't have expected.. not because he was a serpent but because well, it's Sweet Pea for fucks sake. The coach blew their whistle. "Hey! No PDA!" The coach shouted. Sweet Pea and I stopped the kiss and just looked at each other. I blushed lightly before smiling.

"Do you believe me now, Mantle?" Sweet Pea said while looking at Reggie. "Whatever" was all Reggie replied with as he rolled his eyes. Everyone was whispering amongst each other. I hate this attention. On another note.. where the fuck was that damn coach when Mantle was acting like an egotistical prick?!

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