The switch

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*South side kids are transferred to Riverdale high*

I walked into school to see.. Jughead? And all of his serpent friends who I don't know very well, but they seem nice. I guess I forgot.. South side high is taking over. I'm not complaining. This school needs a little less jocks and a lot more hotties, hello serpents :)

As I got closer to the serpents, I also saw my second cousin, Cheryl. Yes, I'm related to Cheryl and Betty of course. Bummer.
"Listen up Ragamuffins, I will not allow Riverdale High's above average GPA to suffer because of classes that are overcrowded with.. under achievers. So please-" I had heard just about enough of this girls trap. "Oh can it you swine. You obviously don't make the rules and just because your cooch is worth.. hundreds, does not give you a single right to treat these PEOPLE like trash. So I suggest you take your pretty little heels and group of horny muts into the student lounge before I get down to the real business.. and I know damn well your little bulldog friend.. what's his name? Um, Reggie.. yeah, him, he knows damn well what the hell I'm talking about." I said with a smirk on my face. "Oh hush you tramp." Cheryl spoke up. "Cheryl- you're digging your own grave here, buddy." I replied with a hint of sarcasm. "Don't make me bring up your sticky maple incident-" Reggie added. "Don't make me bring up your heavy balls. Reginald, the only reason you're not getting any.. is because you have nothing to give in return." I said with a smirk. This caused people to gasp and Cheryl to click her tongue. "This isn't over." She said before turning around and walking back up the way she came from, the bulldogs following right behind her. I turned to face the serpents with a smile. "Welcome to Riverdale High. Jug, welcome back. My name is (y/n), you can call me (y/n/n) if you'd like. Veronica, if you don't mind.. I'll be their map for the day." I said facing Veronica with a smile. "I love you" she pouted as she nodded. "I mean.. I guess." I replied sarcastically. I walked closer to the 'gang' and examined them and their features carefully. First I walked up to a petite girl in a leather Jacket and a very cute plaid skirt with pink hair. She was quite attractive :) "Hi" I said with a smile handing my hand out for her to grab. "Toni Topaz" She said grabbing my hand firmly and smiling. I walked to the guy next to her. He was short but taller than me and had his hair pointing up a bit, lowkey looked like a Hispanic 'Johnny Test'. "Fangs Fogarty" he said holding his hand out with a smile. He was quite attractive but a bit too short. Come back with a few more inches, hot stuff. After him, I walked up to the other guy standing on the opposite side of Fangs. This guy was quite attractive and better yet, much taller than Fangs :) I held my hand out which he grabbed firmly "Sweet Pea" he said plainly. "Cute name" I replied with a smile. He gave me a lopsided grin before I moved on to the other serpents behind Jug, Toni, Fangs and Sweet Pea. After a few minutes I checked all of their schedules and to my surprise, we had EVERY class together, even homeroom. That was going to make this a lot easier.

After four classes, it was time for lunch. I've never liked to hang out in the cafeteria due to it being extremely crowded and full of arrogant pieces of complete and utter bullshit people. "If you're looking for peace and quiet, Mr. Philip's classroom is always lonely and he allows students to hang out in there during lunch." I said smiling at Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs. "I'd much rather hang around you. You're a very respectful person." Fangs said smiling. "Sure, just don't get me mad because once that happens.. it's over for you bitches." "Just for that.. I'm going to call you 'Little Pea' from now on." Toni said giggling.
Pea and I looked at each other and just chuckled. "Sure?" I replied to Toni with a smile "Do you guys want to hang out with (y/n)?" Fangs asked looking at Toni and Sweet Pea. They both smiled widely and nodded. "Well I usually skip school but I'm currently grounded for skipping school so I have no motorcycle at the moment." I said playfully pouting. They all chuckled at me. "Mr. Phillip's classroom it is." Toni spoke up. I gave her small smile before leading the way.

"Hey, Drew" I said to Mr. Philips with a smile. "Hey, (y/n)."

Mr. Philips And I had a good bond. He even allowed me to call him by his first name. We're besties idc idc. "These are the new students from South side high. Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs." I said pointing to each individual as I said their name. They all gave small smiles. "Nice to meet you guys. If you ever need something, just ask. I'm not a dick like your usual Northsider." The teacher said with a small wink. "Yeah, he's cool."

After about 5 minutes we got comfortable huddled around each other in the chairs and decided to play truth or dare. "Fangs! Truth or dare?" Toni asked. "Truth" Fangs replied. "Pussy" I playfully said under my breath. "Don't speak that way about my best friend." Sweet Pea replied playfully. I got closer to him "oh yeah? Tough guy, eh? Whatcha gonna do about it?" I asked with a smirk. He just smirked back. "Nothing, exactly. ANYway, Toni, continue." I said backing away from Sweet Pea again. "Hmmm, is it true thattttt.. Swangs is real?!" Toni asked with a. Small giggle. Sweet Pea and Fangs looked at each other and chuckled. "Of course it is, brother!" Fangs replied. "(Y/n)! Truth or dare?" Fangs asked. "Dare" I replied with a devilish smirk. "Huh, i dare you to reveal to us your body count?" Fangs said with a cheeky smile. My eyes went wide as I was in shock. "Woah- slow your roll there, pal!" I replied playfully. "Oh come on-" Sweet Pea spoke up. "4!" I shouted cutting him off. They all went silent. "How the hell?!-" Toni began before I cut her off too. "It was my first time, I was at a party, totally shit faced, I ended up having a five-some with 2 guys and 2 girls." I replied with an awkward smile. They all looked at each other with smirks. "You just got 10x hotter" Sweet Pea said. "Agreed" Toni and Fangs said in unison. "Well I'll be damned. Maybe we should get shit faced sometime too." I replied with a small giggle. "Offer accepted!" Sweet Pea said with a small smile.

Part two ¿?

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