Tie on the knob

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Soft fluff Smut warning (why am I even putting a smut warning. We already know smuts the only reason you're reading this, fuckin hornies. Well I'm the one writing it- so that makes me a lil nasty too- you know what fuck you. We onna same boat. Thanks for reading my book. On wit the chapter ✨)

Requested by @cindyroberts55

-Much love

"Holy fuck. This school is the fanciest place I've ever stepped foot in!" I beamed as I examined every inch I could of Stonewall Prep.

I had just received the news that a counselor here, wants me to attend this school after she saw my violin solo in the orchestra performance at Riverdale High.

"It's not all that great. The people here are complete morons who don't even know the value of a dollar." My brother scoffed as he lead me to my room.

"Cheer up, Juggy! At least I'm here now. You don't gotta deal with it alone. I'll shank anybody who tries to pull some stupid shit. That's what twins are for." I laughed.

He chuckled a little bit at my statement.

"You always were a crazy one, baby." A deep voice said as I suddenly felt my back being pressed against a hard chest and arms draped around my shoulders.

I looked up to see twinkling, chocolate brown eyes that softened every time they met my y/e/c ones.

Sweet Pea and I have been best friends since he first joined the serpents. I was 13 at the time. We've been inseparable ever since. But lately my feelings towards him have changed, and I could tell he was feeling the same way. Sometimes I'd find myself staring at him and having the urge to just grab him and smash my lips onto his pink plump lips.

I'll even makeup scenarios where we're- I won't go into details.

We've been more touchy with each other lately. He's been calling me baby and all those shit pet names. I usually hate pet names but when he calls me his baby or something.. I just can't help but get all gushy and shit. Ugh I hate it here.

Mans be eye fuckin me. I can't help the emotions and feelings that go on in my core.

"Alright, we're here." Jughead announces and then stopped right in front of the door.

"We can't go in. Let's just head back to my room."

"Why can't we go in?" I asked

"You see that tie on the doorknob?" He asked as he pointed with his index finger at the fancy golden knob.

"Yeah what about it?" I asked still not getting it.

"Stonewall has this thing. When you're in the room and need privacy because you've got.. company; you put a tie on the door knob. It's basically a do not disturb. I'm either giving or receiving the Gluck Gluck three thousand right now. Come back later- sign." Jug explained.

"Sheesh. I was not expecting that." I laughed. Well guess I'm gonna have to meet my new roomie later.

Time skip 1 month later

"Hurry, Pea! It's pouring outside!" I laughed as the rain soaked into my hair. We had just grabbed Pop's and were now on our way back to my room.

"I'm coming. Could you get the shakes please." I grabbed the shakes out of his hand and we ran towards the building.

We ran towards my room making a mess of water and dirty shoe prints all over the hallways of stonewall. We made it to my room and I was pleased to see, Jackie, my roommate wasn't there. Don't get me wrong, I love her and all but she always gets all flirty when Pea's around. I hate it.

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