My Brothers Bestfriend pt. 5

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"Bye, Fangs!" I called out to my brother who was bent over with his head popped inside the fridge, looking for something. "Where you going?" The long haired boy asked as he turned his head to glance back at me.

"I told you! I have a date with Alex, the guy from the movies." I explained as I grabbed my keys off of the table. "Is he outside? Let me meet this kid." Fangs stood up quickly, taking long strides towards me.

"Dude, stop. He's not here." I rolled my eyes as signaled for him to back up. "He asked you out and can't even come pick you up himself?" My brother scoffed as he placed his hands on his hips.

"It's whatever's, Fangs. Don't worry about me." I offered my brother a small smile before shrugging off the topic and reaching for the door. "I'll drive you." Fangs suggested causing me to quickly turn back to face him.

"No, it's fine," I shrugged as I glanced back at my brother. "I'll just walk. I need the exercise anyway." I let out a small laugh while watching Fsngs shake his head. "Let me give you a lift," He suggested as he began looking for his shoes.

"Fangs!" I called out to the long haired boy. "I'll call you if anything happens, okay?" I offered my brother a reassuring smile and waited for the green light. But Fangs only stood there, one hand on his hip and the other ran over his face as he glanced at my outfit.

After a moment, he let out a sigh and muttered a quick, "Go," causing me to smile and once again, reassuring him that I was going to be okay before finally leaving our trailer.

The truth is, I wasn't meeting Alex, and if I was- I would be pretty pissed and blow him off for making me walk to our date this late at night and in this area at that. But if I told Fangs about my little late night randevou, he wouldn't let me leave and he'd have my head for sure.

SweetPea's included.

"Hi," Pea spoke in a sing-song voice as his face lit up watching me make my way towards him on his bike. He was hiding around the corner, trying to steer clear of my brother. "Hi, giant." I smiled as I raked my eyes over the tall boy, him returning the gesture as he took in my outfit.

"I like that skirt." He licked his bottom lip softly as he watched the way the fabric of my short black denim skirt hugged my curves. "Mm," I smiled. "I knew you would." A giggle escaped my lips as I finally stood in front of him, engulfing him in a hug and sighing in satisfaction when his arms wrapped firmly around my smaller figure, pressing me closer to him.

We stood there for a moment, and I took in his scent, smiling softly before glancing up at him. Pea was already glancing down at me, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as if he was admiring me.

"What?" I smiled lazily as he skimmed his eyes over my face. "You look good," He complimented me simply as his finger tips grazed the exposed skin below my top.

"You smell good," I responded back sweetly as I watched him smile widely before bringing his hands to rest on the sides of my neck. "You look good," He whispered as he lowered himself down to my jawline near my ear, tilting my neck slightly so he could press a small lingering kiss to the area, "you smell good," he continued as he pressed another kiss to the opposite side, "taste good.." SweetPea's words were teasingly gentle as he brought himself back to meet my gaze, allowing his lips to slightly hover over my own.

"We should get outta here before Fangs starts trippin' again." I sighed softly as I watched SweetPea smile cheekily, his hands still holding the sides of my neck softly. 

"Not until I get a kiss." He teased as he puckered his lips in the most hideous way causing me to let out an ugly laugh. "Ew! You're so ugly!" I laughed as I pushed his face away softly.

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