Tutor (pt.3~last part)

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Sweet Pea's POV
It's now Sunday and I can't get (y/n) out of my fucking head. The thought of her body on mine gave me chills. Cheryl's invited me to her pool party today, I bet (y/n) will be there.. fucking hell.. she's driving me insane and she doesn't even know it. "PEA!" Toni shouted at me. "What?" I replied snapping out of my thoughts. "So are you gonna make a move on (y/n) at Cheryl's party today?" She said wiggling her eyebrows. "Excuse me-" "cut that shit out, fucker. I saw you guys hugging on Friday in Mr. Millers classroom after school. So don't hit me with that "I don't even know her" bullshit." Toni mocked. "How did you-" "I was just getting done with Cheer practice and forgot my water bottle in my locker. As I reached the damn thing, I saw you and (y/n).. you're not a very affectionate person. Hell, I'd pay for you to just hug me out of the blue." She replied smirking. "Whatever-" "I hope you know that Cheryl has invited her to the party and we're going to pick her up. You're welcome to come with-" "No! I'm fine riding on my own!" I replied before walking out of the Whyte Wyrm and riding off to my trailer.

Your POV
I decided to take a quick body shower and then changed into the one piece swimsuit (^) I put some baby blue denim shorts on and a red flannel. I put my hair into a messy bun.
Cheryl called me a few minutes later.
"I'm outside."
I clicked and grabbed my bag full of extra clothes, a towel and just in case, my toothbrush and shampoo along with other essentials.

As we arrived at the party I already felt butterflies in my stomach. It was crowded and full of Northside high's idiot students. We love that. I walked upstairs into Cheryl's bedroom, ignoring everyone. I removed my flannel and shorts, and wrapped a towel around my waist. I walked back down stairs and into the backyard. I sat in front of the pool with my feet dipped in. "Did you miss me?" A familiar voice said. I turned to see Reggie smirking down at me. Jesus fucking Christ, man. I'd only been here 5 fucking minutes and I was already being bothered by this sack of shit. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. "Come on, you already fucked up my nose. The least you could do is give me a quick suck as an apology." "Wipe that smile off your face." I replied sternly. "Come on, beautiful.." Reggie put his hand on my thigh. I slapped him on the side of the head. "Ow!" He exclaimed. "Get lost, flea bag." He scoffed and got up, walking away. After a few minutes of just procrastinating I decided to finally get into the water and swim. When I came back up to the surface, I spotted Sweet Pea looking at me from the glass door of the house. I felt a small blush creep up my cheeks remembering the events that took place on Friday. I quickly got back under water and swam around. I stopped after a few moments because I felt someone grab my leg and pull me back. I panicked and swelled some water, making me cough when I got back to the surface. "Woah! (Y/n), calm down.. it's just me." He said chuckling. I finally stopped coughing up water and wiped the mop looking wet hair out of my face and looked up at Pea. "Jerk!" I said before playfully shoving his toned chest. He smiled. "What're you doing? I thought you didn't want people to see us socializing.." I said lowly looking all over at the people surrounding us. "Yeah but I mean.. I want them to see.." he replied looking down into my (y/e/c) eyes. "What exactly do you want them to see?" I replied. His eyes trailed down to my lips then back up to my eyes. "This-" was the only thing he said before he cupped my face in between his hands, and lowered down, crashing his lips into mine. I quickly pulled away and just looked at him, confusion flowed through my mind. Sweet Pea face palmed himself and groaned. "Fuck, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." He said with a regretful tone. "Pea- shut up." Was all I said before jumping up a bit and wrapping my legs around his waist and my hands were on either side of his neck. I quickly crashed my lips onto his, catching him by surprise. He hesitantly kissed back as he put his hands under my ass to keep me from falling. We could hear people cheering in the back, you know? Normal, stupid teenage stuff. But the voices that actually caught our attention were Toni; Cheryl's girlfriend, Cheryl and Fangs.. we let go and looked around at everyone's reaction. "Finally!" Cheryl shouted smiling. I buried my face in the crook of Sweet Peas neck awkwardly. "So, (y/n).. do you maybe wanna-" "Yes." I cut him off. "I'd like to be your girlfriend, jerk." I said smiling. He pecked my lips once more before we actually continued to "party".

The end 🤠

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