Where's Sweet Pea? (lowkey smut)

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Backstory: You and Sweet Pea are lowkey fuck buddies 🤠

Warnings: Oral¿?

Fangs' POV

Where the fuck is that idiot?! FP needs us to meet him at the Whyte Wyrm in about an hour for a job that needs to be done.

I walked into the kitchen of the small trailer that Sweet Pea, (Y/n) and I shared. I've never liked living alone.. so I got a trailer with my two best friends.

I looked in the direction of the small round table where (y/n) sat, reading some book. She was biting her lip and her eyebrows were furrowed meaning that she was concentrating. I hate to disturb her but I just had to ask.

"(Y/n)?" I spoke up. Her head shot up and she shifted a bit in the wooden chair, almost sliding down, making her lower body disappear under the table. "Are you good?" I asked a bit confused at her actions. "Yes, yes! Of course!" She replied. "Anyway.. have you seen Sweet Pea? FP wants us to meet him at the Wyrm in about an hour so he can assign us a new job." I said stuffing my hands into the side pockets of my tight, denim jeans. "He left about.. 10 minutes ago.. something about wanting to get a drink?" She replied. I sighed. "Okay, Thanks. I'll be going now.. if you see him, tell him to meet me at the Wyrm." I said annoyed while grabbing my jacket off the couch and walking out the door. I reached my motorcycle and hopped on, turning it on and riding off. (Y/n) is so weird.

Your POV

I heard Fangs' motorcycle engine disappear into the wind as I suppose he drove further and further away from the trailer. I sighed in relief and lifted the table cloth up slightly to reveal Sweet Pea on his knees, under the table, with his lips attached to my heat. He sucked harder on my clit while staring at me straight in the eyes. I grabbed onto his beautiful dark hair and pulled it slightly causing a small whimper to escape from him. "Fangs could've caught.. us." I shakily breathed out. Sweet Pea stopped and removed his lips from my heat, causing me to let out a whimper. "But he didn't, (y/n/n). So can you please put that beautiful mouth of yours on pause so that I can concentrate." I bit my bottom lip and nodded. Pea only smirked before once again stuffing his face in between my heat. He scooted the chair I was sitting in back a bit and raised his hands up to spread my legs wide open, giving him more access. He looked at me in the eyes and gave me a devilish smirk before plunging two fingers into my entrance. I squealed at the feeling of his cold rings touching my core seeing as he was knuckle deep inside me. Fucker caught me off guard. He began to pump in and out slowly and gently and reconnected his lips with mine.. well, the lips in between my hips to be exact. I relaxed into the chair and rolled my eyes back. Having Pea's tongue on my clit and fingers knuckle deep inside my core was something that I'd never get used to. I let out tiny moans and played with Pea's hair as I felt myself reaching my high. "Sweets- I can feel myself.." he pumped harder and faster while also sucking harder on my clit. All I could do was moan. My breathing became heavy. Suddenly, the knot in my stomach became undone and I came with a loud moan. I murmured profanities as Sweet Pea stopped and smirked. He stood up and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a cloth and wetting it. He walked back over to me. My breathing steadied after a few moments and I closed my legs. I tried to stand up but my legs felt like jelly? "No, sit back down." Sweet Pea said. I sat back down and he spread my legs open again. He gently dabbed the cloth on my swollen clit and smirked. His lips were swollen from all the sucking and his chin glistened from my juices. "You never fail to satisfy me." He said under his breath. I sat up, slightly and grabbed his chin. I kissed him, tasting myself. I pulled away from the kiss. "I could say the same for you." I replied smiling. I knew he enjoyed watching me cum. He enjoyed it even more when he knew he was the one causing me to cum. He stood up and I could see the bulge in his pants. "Go with Fang's, he's probably pissed. I'll take care of this once you get back." I said smiling while pointing to his boner. "What about Fang's?" He asked. I was finally able to stand. I grabbed my underwear and shorts that were shoved beside the table and slipped them on. "Shower sex?" I replied smirking. "(Y/n), I fucking love you." I smiled at his comment. "Get going.. Fang's tends to stay up late when he's mad... he's weird." I said winking at him.
He smiled and walked to the door, grabbing his jacket off the couch. "I'll see you when I get back." And with that, he walked out the door and rode off.

Part two?

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