The switch pt.3

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The next day:
I walked into Pop's to meet with Toni and Fangs to have breakfast. It was about 7:37 AM. Why was I up at this ungodly hour on a Saturday?! I wore my yellow plaid short skirt, sheer crop top and a black bra under. I could care less if i was showing 'too much' a bitch was hot and looked cute. My hair was down and curled per usual and I wore my Dr. Martins Jadon platform boots with wish net tights.

"Mornin', Chumps." I said playfully as I sat down next to Toni in a booth, across from Fangs. They both gave me small smiles. "Hey, (y/n).." "Morning" they both replied.

I gave them confused looks. "So.. what happened with Pea yesterday?!" Fangs blurted out. I sighed "Nothing. What're you talking about?" I really didn't have a clue what he was tal- oh.. that. "C'mon, (y/n).. you're the last person Sweet Pea saw before heading to the bar. I've never seen him so.. not like Pea." Toni said with a sad type look in her eyes. "T's not lying. He lost 3 rounds of pool yesterday.. to me! That's a bit.. oh I don't know, unusual? seeing as he practically owns the damn game and I suck at pool. I never win for fucks sake!" Fangs whisper shouted. I frowned a bit and looked down at my hands that rested on my lap. How do they even know I was the last person he saw? Were these Neanderthals watching us?
"Hey," Toni said resting her hand on my shoulder "If anything is wrong, you can trust us. Help us understand, (y/n/n)." She gave me a small, reassuring smile. I returned a small smile and took a deep breath. I felt stupid for what I was about to tell them. "Yesterday, he invited me to the Whyte Wyrm. I told him I'd go but I wanted to stop by here first to get food. He said that he didn't want any of my "Northside friends" to think him and I were on a date. I may have taken it out of context but I ended up just leaving because to be quite honest, that hurt coming from him."

Toni and Fangs looked at each other. This was so stupid, I was overreacting and for what.

"Why would you care unless.. do you-" Fangs cut himself off. He then leaned his body more towards me. "Do you like, Pea?" He whispered. Toni and him were staring me down for an answer. "Yes, but it's just a stupid crush. Besides, he didn't want people to think we were out on a date. Maybe he already has a girlfriend whom I've never heard of before-" I hesitantly answered.

"No!" Toni and Fangs shouted in unison. "Pea, is single. Like, single as shit." Fangs said with a wide smile. Toni only nodded quickly.

7:37 PM (An hour before the party begins)

"So.. whatcha planning on wearing to the party?"
Toni asked as she laid flat on her stomach on top of my bed. I looked inside my closet and sighed. I really like dressing my way which is grunge with a little bit of a revealing side. But I hate provoking the stares and cat calls of high school boys I go to school with and even random older men on the street. Gross.
After about 5 minutes, I finally chose an outfit (the photo on the top)
I walked into Reggie Mantle's house. The place was crowded with drunk teens and loud music. The smell of alcohol and pizza automatically filling my nose. I scrunched up my nose as I saw some jock vomit into a flower vase, five feet away from me.
"I'ma go talk to Cheryl. See ya around." Toni said giving me a reassuring smile... before ditching me.
I made my way to Reggie's kitchen which was surprisingly less crowded seeing as the counter was full of alcohol. It was only 9 PM and these idiots were already shit faced. I walked over to the marble counter and just poured myself some soda. I had a feeling Toni was going home with Cheryl tonight making me lose my ride, meaning I'd probably have to walk home. I shouldn't get drunk if I'm walking home. After a few minutes of just walking around the house and looking for something to do, better yet; someone to interact with. I had no luck. I was bored out of mind and thirsty as shit. I walked back into the kitchen and poured some Gatorade into my red pollo cup. "Ya know.. most people come to parties to get drunk and actually drink." I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. I turned around and saw Sweet Pea. "Yeah, well.. I'm not most people and I hopefully never will be." I spat back before walking away. I walked outside and sat on the curve.
~Time skip~
It was Currently  11 PM. The party got louder and definitely a lot more crowded than when I'd just gotten there. Suddenly, I heard someone shout my name over the loud music that blared through the house. I looked around and scanned the room looking for who called my name. It was a bit hard seeing as I was plopped down on the couch. "Y/n!" Finally I spotted Kevin Keller. I smiled and gave him a small wave. I got up from my position on the couch and walked closer to him. "Hey?" I said with an awkward smile. "Hiiii" he replied. "So I think right now is theeee perfect moment.." he blurted out. "Moment for wha- oh, yeah. I've got an idea." I said with a smirk.
"Alright, y'all know the rules. Spin the bottle, whoever it lands on, you gotta spend 7 minutes in a closet with them. No questions asked after."

Toni, Cheryl, Fangs, Sweet Pea, Kevin, a few others whom I don't know the name of and I sat around a small coffee table in the living room. "So, who's first?" Cheryl asked with a smirk. "I'll go" Kevin said right off the bat. Everyone looked at him, some with smirks, others with weird faces.

Kevin sighed before hesitantly placing his hand on the empty glass cherry cola bottle and spun it. It spun around approximately 7 times before landing on.. Fangs. "Well, get going you tw-" suddenly out of nowhere Reggie rushed into the house and shouted "SOMEBODY CALLED THE COPS. EVERYBODY OUT."

And just like that everyone entered in panic mode and rushed out the house. Scattering like roaches in all sorts of different directions. Some got in their cars or on their bikes. Others ran home by foot. I thought I was going to be one of those people after shooting a look to Tony as she got on her bike with Cheryl holding onto her waist. When suddenly I felt someone grab my arm and pull me in the other direction. "Come on, y/n! I'll drive you home." I heard Pea shout. I hesitated before allowing him to drag me to his bike. He got on and revved the engine. I hopped on behind him and held onto his waist. As he started to drive, he realized he didn't know where a lived. "I can't go home!" I shouted over all the commotion. He didn't question it, he just nodded and soon, we were on our way to sunny side trailer park.
Sweet Pea and I sat on the couch, opposite of each other. We hadn't spoken since we got to his trailer. I cleared my throat. "thank you" I muttered under my breath. He looked at me as soon as he heard my voice. He only nodded and looked back at the floor. The tension between us was terrible. I hated this feeling. I need to find a way to fix this shit. "Listen um, y/n.. I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have made it sound like I didn't want to be seen with you at the diner or anythi-" here's my shot. In one quick motion, i straddled Sweet Pea's lap. "I don't want to hear it. Shut up and kiss me." And that was all it took for him to rest his hands on my rear end under my skirt and connect his lips with mine. His lips were dry, chapped and rough. The total opposite of mine.

After a few moments, we pulled away and I rested my forehead on his staring into his eyes. "I took it out of context.. it's not really your fault." I whispered feeling stupid and slightly embarrassed. "Fuck, I like you, y/n." Pea blurted out. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips. "The feelings mutual."

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