My Brother's Bestfriend pt. 4

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"What took you guys so long?" My brother and his fat head appeared out of nowhere as he came to lead Pea and I back to where our friends were.

"My bad, Pea was trying to get my opinion on some girl he met last night." I shrugged as I came up with a lie on the spot. SweetPea just looked at me funny and the comment went over my brothers head.

"You guys got snacks already?" I asked as we made our way past the snack shop. "You're so fat!" Fangs joked causing me to snort. "Your mother," I retaliated, earning an odd look from the two serpents walking along beside me. "What?" A small menacing smile tugged at my lips before shrugging.

"Our mother." Fangs corrected me causing me to roll my eyes at his statement. "Maybe yours but I don't have a mother. I birthed myself. Thirty-six hours in labor, I tell 'ya." I cracked one of my little weird kids jokes which earned a baffled chuckle from SweetPea.

"Anyways," Fangs changed the topic. "Yeah, don't worry, Littles. We already got snacks." My brother smiled back at me and I reciprocated our similar grin.

He led us to a dark theatre, where the movie had already begun but we hadn't missed much. We made our way to the very last row. "Your seats are at the end." Fangs whispered, trying not to disturb anyone as we approached the back row.

Pea and I glanced at each other before making our way to the seats, of course they'd sit me next to this moron.

Tell them to switch. You guys can sit at opposite sides of everyone.

No, that'd look suspicious.

As I went back and forth with myself, I finally sat down at the end of the row next to the wall, with Pea beside me.

All of our friends were coupled up together, cuddling, while Pea and I had tension just sharing the popcorn.

And fuck this fucking popcorn, too. I don't even have an appetite anymore.

Pea pisses me off so bad.

That's so embarrassing. I don't know what his problem is.

"You want some?" Pea whispered softly as he handed me a big slurpee cup. But I didn't respond, though. I just continued staring at the big screen, completely tuning him out.

Throughout the movie, I could feel Pea's eyes on me, but I never reciprocated the glances.

"Y/n." He whispered softly as he leaned closer toward me. "Y/n." He said again, when I didn't respond.

"I have to pee." I stated abruptly as I stood up. "You guys want anything from the snack shop?" I whispered as I looked at my friends. They all looked to each other before looking back at me and shook their heads. "You're good." Fangs responded before looking back at the big screen. I just nodded and carefully walked past everyone.

I made my way out of the dark room and tried looking for the bathroom, but I don't think there was one inside.

"Excuse me," I said softly as I approached one of the workers walking around. "Yes?" He turned around with a soft smile.

Oh, you are cute.

"Sorry, I was just wondering where the bathrooms are?" I reciprocated his smile lazily.

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