You cheated pt. 3

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Author's Note:
Ayo, it's 1 AM, I haven't slept in 2 days and I'm lowkey faded rn so if there's any mistakes or shit don't make sense, that's the reason lmfaoooo. So glad y'all still read my shit after I ghosted for so long 😩.

Y/n | a week later

SweetPea was still sitting on my front porch trying to talk to me. He'd been here since the morning. It's now 11 PM. Does this dude have like.. nothing to do with his life or something.

"Baby, talk to me!" I heard him cry from outside.

I ignored him and turned the volume on the tv up.

My face is breaking out from the makeup I've been using to cover up the bruise. It's not as bad as it was when it was fresh, but it's still visible and still hurts.

"Y/n.." I heard Pea shout again.

I sighed and got up off the couch.

I swung the door open aggressively and looked at SweetPea.

"Y/n.. baby. Talk to me." He cried.

"We went 6 months with out each other after you cheated on me. Then you get with Josie and turn the tables on the story AND you slap the fuck out of me.. and now you can't live without me? Now you love me again? Now I'm your first fucking priority?" I scoffed.

"Eat a dick, SweetPea. I don't know why you're acting out now." I sighed.

I was about to slam the door shut after I got him to be fucking quiet but he stopped me.

"No, you don't understand!" He shouted as he walked inside my trailer.

"Yo, get the fuck out! I didn't say that you could fucking come in!" I shouted.

He slammed the for shut and dragged me to the bedroom.

"Shut up! Shut up!" He shouted angrily.

"Let go of my wrist! You're fucking hurting me." I said through gritted teeth as I wiggled my arms around in his grip.

He aggressively shoved my hands down and made me sit on the bed.

"I'm going crazy!" He cried as he paced around like a lunatic.

"Right, Imma need you to leave now.." I said as I got up only to be sat back down.

Sweet Pea reached behind his back and pulled a gun out.

He brought a fucking gun.

"No, you're gonna shut up and you're gonna listen!" He cried.

He pointed the gun directly at my head.

"SweetPea, I'll listen. Just put the gun down."

"No.. but you still have to listen. I'm not gonna hurt you. My plan was to never physically hurt you. I just, I love you but you don't love me! Why don't you love me back, y/n?" He shouted.

"SweetPea, please don't hurt me." I whispered as tears rolled down my face.

"No baby, no.. this isn't for you." He said gesturing to the gun.

"It's for me. The world is much better without me. You're better off with me dead." He cried as he pointed the gun to his head.

"No, SweetPea. I love you. I love you, baby. I'm yours and you're mine. Forever and always? Remember that, baby? We're forever and always."

I lied to him.

I had to.

"C'mon, baby. Put the gun down."

He lowered his arm and fell onto the bed snuggling into me.

His arms wrapped around my waist and he laid his head on my lap as he cried.

"Forever and always." He repeatedly whispered.

He's gone mental.

"Say you'll never leave me, y/n. Tell me you still love me. Promise me, you're mine."

"I'll lever leave you, baby. I love you.. always have and always will- I promise." I said flatly as my vision became blurry with more tears.

"I love you." He whispered.

"Freeze! Put your hands where I can see them!" Sheriff Keller barged unto my room with two other cops behind him.

"SweetPea, you're under arrest for harassment and assault. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law-"

"What? No! Baby, you can't let them take me!" SweetPea cried.

I heard him shouting as the cops dragged him out of my trailer.

How did-

"Fangs called me, y/n.." Keller said.

Fangs and Toni ran into my room and hugged me.

"How did you-"

"His bike was parked out front but he was nowhere to be found.. then i heard you arguing and saw him holding the gun through the window.." Fangs explained shakily.

"Thank you, thank you." I cried as I hugged my friends.

Oh my god.


Y'all wanted a part 3 to this and I wasn't expecting to write an ending to this story! I'm sorry that this chapter sucked pero like.. THE END BIATCH.

ALSO, merry christmas ya filthy animals.. and a happy new year 😗✌️.

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