Tutor (pt.1)

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"(Y/N), I'm sure you know Mr.. Pea?" I looked at the tall serpent who stood beside me with his arms crossed over his chest. "I suppose?" I replied examining the angry expression on "Sweet Pea's" face. "Well, you better start getting used to him because you're going to be his tutor." I clenched my hands into a fist as the words rolled off my math teachers tongue. "Um- I'm pretty sure I come to school to learn.. not teach. That's your job." I replied looking away from Sweet Pea. "Hey, I don't want to do this either!" Sweet Pea replied almost shouting at me. "Com' on. (Y/N), if you don't do this, I'll make sure to let the council know that you've been ditching classes and about the times that I've caught you smoking in my empty class room during lunch." "Oh, bullshit!" I shouted at the teacher. Sweet Pea let out a small chuckle. "Language, (Y/N)! And you- don't even get me started on you." Mr. Miller replied while pointing at Sweet Pea causing him to stop chuckling and have a serious expression splattered across his face again. "You are to meet here after school Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's from last bell to 4:47 PM. I'll know if you ditch the sessions and I'll also know when you end early so don't try it. Your first session starts today, after school." My teacher said smiling, sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the classroom. It was lunch so I just walked over to my locker to put my stuff away when I heard the sound of heavy boots stop behind me. I turned around to see the one and only, Sweet Pea. I turned back around and threw my math notebook in my locker before slamming it shut and turning around, leaning my back on the lockers. "Can I help you?" I asked looking at Sweet Pea. He clenched his jaw before speaking. "Listen, here's how this is going to work. You and I meet in that damn class. We do the work. We leave. We are not to be seen talking to each other. Nobody can know that we even talk or know each other's names and most importantly, you tutoring me must be kept a secret. Got it?" He said sternly. "Sure, whatever." I replied in the bitchiest tone before walking down the hall and soon making my way to the cafeteria. Since Cheryl and Jughead were with their friends (the serpents) I sat at a table in the far corner and stared at my phone. I was going through Instagram, watching all my friends' stories. I don't even know why I had the damn app. I only followed like 3 people. Those three people were Jughead, Cheryl and Marilyn Manson. I found it so hard to make friends and get out more. Suddenly I was interrupted from my thoughts when the whole football team came and sat at the table I was in. "Princess, didn't you know that this table is where the big boys sit?" Reggie, the cockiest jock of them all said. I ignored him and kept scrolling through my phone. He sat right next to me and spoke up. "I asked you a question." He said a bit louder with a tone. I sighed and looked at him. "And I ignored it." I replied before switching my phone off and setting it down. "Ou, she's feisty. Just how we like 'em. Ain't that right, boys?!" He said smirking at the jocks around him. "Come on. Why don't we get out of here?" Reggie said while caressing my thigh. I swatted his hand away from my thigh. "Don't touch me. I'm not interested in you or your small dick energy." I said rolling my eyes. "That wasn't very nice." He said putting his hand on my lower back. I got up and was about to walk away when suddenly. I felt the palm of his hand make contact with my ass. I heard his friends laugh. I turned around "WELL THAT WASN'T VERY NICE!" I shouted at him sarcastically right before I punched him right in the nose. "You fucking, bitch!" He shouted as he grabbed his nose and ran off to what I suppose was the bathroom or nurses office. I didn't know and I didn't care. Before I reached the playing fields outside, everyone looked at me, some smiling and nodding their head "Yes" while others made a disgusted face. I ignored it and kept walking. I reached the playing field where there wasn't many people. As I was walking to the bleachers. I heard someone shout "yo! Watch out!" I turned to see a football headed my way. Before that thing hit my face, I caught it in between my hands. Some guy in a blue flannel, black jeans and combat boots came running up to me. "Good catch." He said amazed. "Thanks.." I replied before walking away. "Hey! I'm sorry!.... I'm Fangs by the way!" He shouted. I kept walking and just stuck a "👍" in the air so that he'd get the memo. After about 15 minutes, the bell rang and I started walking towards my locker. Once I reached it, I pulled out my sketchbook along with art materials like charcoal, shading pencils and a kneaded eraser. My next class; art.
After I sat at my desk in the far back corner of the room I heard the sound of familiar heavy, combat boots coming towards me. I didn't look up because well, bitch.. it's none of my business. "Hey, Cheryl's friend." I heard a girl say. I looked up to see a thin girl with a leather jacket and pink hair. "I saw that punch you threw at Reggie at lunch." She said smiling. I nodded and looked back down at my book. "Not a talker" I heard her say under her breath before she went to take a seat in the row in front of me on the opposite side of the room. After that, I heard a lot more of the same sounding footsteps coming into the room. I had just came to a realization that I had this class with Cheryl's friends. Cool. While I was in the middle of class, finishing up the drawing of my hands like the teacher had assigned us to do. I heard someone call my name. "(Y/n)! The principal wants to see you in his office, now!" The teacher shouted in front of everyone in the class. "Okay, she's on her way down, now." She said into the classrooms phone before hanging up. Everyone looked back at me and some even whispered things to each other. The class went dead silent. I sighed and walked out of class. As soon as I walked into the principals office, I saw Reggie sitting in a chair holding an ice pack on his nose that also had tissues stuffed in it. "You called?" I said to the principal. "Yes, take a seat Ms. (Y/L/N)." He said pointing to the empty chair besides Reggie. I scooted the chair further away from Reggie before sitting. "So, what's up?" I asked slouching in the chair. "What's up is that Mr. Mantle, here tells me that you assaulted him in the cafeteria today after he tried to make friendly conversation with you." The principal said cocking an eyebrow. "Is that so?" I asked clenching my fist and sitting up straight. "Well, Principal Wetherbee, if punching someone after they've touched you INAPPROPRIATELY, making you feel uncomfortable after you've already told them specifically NOT too do so, then yes, I assaulted, Reggie fucking Mantle." I said with a smirk while leaning back into my chair. The principal gasped "Language, (Y/N)! Can you tell me your side of the story?" He said sternly. I crossed my leg over my thigh. "Gladly" I replied with a smirk. "I was sitting alone at a lunch table, minding my own business. Then Reggie and his group of muts came and sat down at the same table. I didn't think much of it 'till Reggie started acting in a very disrespectful manner. He placed his hand on my thigh and insisted we leave to go do God knows what. I removed his hand from my thigh. When I declined he put his hand back on my thigh. And once again, insisted that we left. I got irritated and got up to leave. As I was about to walk elsewhere. Mr. Mantle just felt the urge to slap my lady bump. Which resulted in me feeling so uncomfortable that I punched him. So you see sir, this was just my reflex." The principal clenched his jaw and looked at Reggie. "Is this true?" He asked, once again using a stern tone. "Well- ki-kinda" Reggie stuttered out. "I'm so sorry about this whole thing Ms. (Y/L/N). You're excused. Get back to class." I smiled "thank you." I said and walked out the door, making sure to close the door behind me.

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