Pretty poisons just dug their own grave

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I sat inside my trailer waiting for my boyfriend, Sweet Pea to arrive. It was a Thursday night so he usually came over to watch some movies and fuck around. It was about 10:37 PM and he still hadn't gotten here. He's probably busy. 11 came around and suddenly, I heard the door knob jiggle and suddenly, Pea just walked in clutching his stomach. He slammed the door harshly and threw his keys on the small table beside the door. I stomped out of my room ready to shout at him for slamming the door but, I held my tongue because as I walked closer to him, I saw cuts and bruises all over his face. "Pea, what the fuck-" I asked as I inched closer. He just walked passed me and sat on the couch. I grabbed the first aid kit from my kitchen and walked over to him. I sat on the small coffee table that was in front of my couch and stared at his cuts. "Who did this?!" I asked angrily. Pea looked at me and sighed. "Cheryl's little sorority.. they're trying to prove a point. They decided to share their message by beating both Fangs and I up on our way out of Pop's." I clenched my jaw. I've had just enough of that bitch. She's dead meat. "Toni needs to control her bitch" I muttered under my breath. "Agreed" Sweet Pea said with a small smile. I pulled out gloves, rubbing alcohol, cotton swabs, cotton balls and bandages. I put the gloves on and dabbed Pea's cuts with a little bit of alcohol on a cotton swab. He hissed a little bit. "I'm sorry, You big ape.. I just don't want these to get infected." I said with a small smile.

After cleaning up his cuts and covering them with bandages, I put the first aid kit beside me. I got up and grabbed my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans. I called Fangs and it only took a couple of seconds before he answered. "(Y/n)?" He answered with a groan. "How're you feeling?" I asked. "I take it Pea told you?" He replied. "That's not the point. How. Are. You?" I asked once again with a tone. "Better. Jughead's mom fixed me up at their trailer."

"Did you guys fight back?" I asked looking at Pea while cocking an eyebrow. "No, we'd never lay a finger on a woman.. at least not in that way." Fangs said with a small chuckle. "Good, y'all were raised well." I said before hanging up. "I'm going to kill Cheryl tomorrow." I said as I stood in between Pea's legs. He pulled me onto his lip so that I was straddling him and I wrapped my arms around his neck to hug him. "That's my girl" he said with a small chuckle. "I'm just glad you're okay." I said as I breathed in his sent. Pine and cigarette, classic old Pea. Pea placed his hands on either side of my waist. I looked at him and kissed him roughly. He kissed back with no hesitation. He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around my lower back as I ran my fingers through his jet black locks of hair. We pulled away after a few seconds to catch our breaths. I placed my forehead on his and stared into his eyes. "Fuck... I really like you a lot, Pea." I said with a smile. We'd been dating for about 9 months, I guess it was safe to say that I loved him. "I really like you a lot too, (y/n)." I pecked his lips once more before getting off him. We ended up just chilling until 12 AM before knocking out on the couch.

The next day|

I woke up at around 5:30 AM. I was lying on top of Pea. Face to face with his arm wrapped around my waist to make sure I didn't fall on my ass. He looked so peaceful while he was asleep, if only he was this calm when we were at school. I placed a small kiss on his cheek. "King of the jungle" I said in attempt to wake him up. "Big foot" I said while sitting up and straddling him. "Peaaaaaa" he groaned when I said his name. I lowered down a bit and placed soft kisses on his neck. "Babyyyy" i said. He only groaned in response. "Pea" I said before biting down on his serpent tattoo his eyes shot open "what the fuck, (y/n)?!" He said as his eyes fluttered while looking up at me. "Wakey, wakey, Princess" I said with a small smile. Usually, when I bit his serpent tattoo, he'd get turned on. But he was asleep so it was off guard. (lmao what? It's two in the morning on a school night. Bye)
Pea groaned once again before finally smiling. "Morning, baby.. mind telling me why I'm awake at this ungodly hour?" He said with a sarcastic tone. "Pea, it's Friday. We have school to attend." I replied with a smirk. "So get your lazy ass up and get ready."
"Can't we just stay home and cuddle?" He asked with an innocent smile. "No Can do, I've got some shit to take care of at school." I said getting up off him making sure not to hurt him. "Would this 'shit' have anything to do with Cheryl and the pretty poisons?" Pea asked as he sat up. "This isn't time for 21 questions" I replied sarcastically. "Baby, leave it alone. I don't want you getting hurt." Pea said he he got up and stretched his legs. "The only one who's going to end up hurt and in critical condition is those girls if they don't step down. No ones going to lay a finger on my close friend, and boyfriend. That fight was unfair. Y'all were out numbered and attacked by females. It would've looked bad if you guys defended yourselves. Since you can't lay a finger on them, I will. No serpent stands alone. They were one of us too, especially Toni, she's a serpent by blood. Or did she forget?" I asked with a hand on my hip. Sweet Pea walked over to me and hugged me. He placed a small kiss on my forehead before chuckling. "It doesn't get any better than you." He said. "It really doesn't" I said into his chest making it sound muffled. Him and I both chuckle.

After about an hour and a half. Pea and I were ready. It was now 6:27 AM.

"Wanna get breakfast at Pop's before school?" I asked Sweet Pea as I tied the shoe laces of my combat boots. "Yes! I'm in the mood for some pancakes!" He said with a big smile. He's so cute.

I grabbed my book bag and keys. We decided to just take my car because well, it's too early to be making all that damn noise with a motorcycle.
We got in my car but I made Pea drive XD.

It was at least a 15 minute drive to Pop's so I connected my phone to the Bluetooth in my car and blasted some MÖTLEY CRÜE, Nirvana, Ozzy Osbourne, ya know, that good old classic shit.

We pulled into Pop's and got out of the car. It was a bit cold and I was wearing a tight denim skirt with fishnet tights, a white tang top and my
Leather serpent jacket. I wrapped my arms around Sweet Pea's waist and he draped his arms over my shoulder.

After about 20 minutes, we drove to school and I could not wait to go off on the pretty poisons.

Pea and I walked into the school, hand in hand (ew wtf) the first person we saw was Toni. She looked at Sweet Pea and had a small apologetic look in her eyes. I love Toni but I will say, something really changed in her the last few months and let me tell you, it wasn't the good type of change. It was even worse when Jug kicked her off the serpents.

We walked straight passed her and into the student lounge. There, the first two people I saw were Peaches (Peaches 'N Cream) and Cheryl. As soon as they saw Sweet Pea they looked at each other and giggled a bit. I loved Cheryl too. I knew we were all a little fucked up inside but this was just low.

I let go of Sweet Pea's hand and walked over to Cheryl and Peaches. "What's so funny?" I asked with a sarcastic tone. "Back up, snake." Peaches said through gritted teeth as she got up off the couch where her and Cheryl sat. "No, you back up. What's with the name? Are you like.. a Northsider now?" I replied in a mellow tone. "Girl, don't make me fuck you up just like I did your pussy boyfriend." Peaches said. I crossed my arms over my chest and let out a small chuckle. "Can it. I refuse to speak to someone who has the same name as an Instagram icon who eats their own period blood." I said with a disgusted face. "Oh now you're gonna get it!" She exclaimed. She took a swing at me but didn't hit me because Cheryl quickly grabbed her arm. "No! (Y/n), you want to talk. Fine, let's talk." Cheryl said sitting back down. Peaches fixed her jacket before jetting out of the room. Fucking bitch.

I stood in front of Cheryl with my arms crossed over my chest and my jaw clenched. Sweet Pea stood beside the door to the student lounge with his arms crossed over his chest too.

"What the hell do Fangs and Sweet Pea have to do with you getting kicked out of the gang because you decided to steal from Hiram fucking Lodge?! Not to mention, you left behind your mark and for what? We all know you're not scared of Hiram, Cheryl! That doesn't fucking mean that you have to jeopardize everything for some chaos!" Suddenly I heard the sound of leather boots behind me. "Back off, (y/n)." Toni said. I was so mad, my blood was boiling. "No! I'll back the fuck off your girlfriend when she backs the fuck off my boyfriend AND your best friend. So until I hear an apology or Cheryl promises not to pull a stunt like that again, take a seat and enjoy the show!" I said looking at Toni. "Pipe down, (y/n)." Cheryl said. "We were just trying to prove a point." She added. "What's your point? Unfair fighting is cool? Being a bitch gets you what you want? Um no, unfair fighting is bullshit, and being a bitch gets you nothing but labels and rumors and as we all know, you, the stone cold bitch in Riverdale actually has feelings. So just back off for fucks sake and I can guarantee that I won't personally yank each and everyone of those pearly white teeth of yours out using an eyebrow pluck and make a damn necklace for Veronica. Got it?"

"(Y/n)-" I heard Sweet Pea say. I ignored him. At this point, Cheryl's eyes were watering and she looked pissed. "Got it?!" I said once more with a tone. "Y/n/n)-" Toni spoke up. "Cheryl!" I shouted. "Got it" Cheryl said under her breath as a tear rolled down her cheek. She suddenly got up and stormed out of the room. "Not cool, (y/n)" Toni said with a frown. "Feels pretty damn shitty to see your significant other hurt wether it's physically or just emotionally, huh?" I said through gritted teeth. Toni stormed out of the room, following Cheryl.

Sweet Pea came up to me and gave me a small smile. "Thank you.." he said quietly. "Whatever, giant. Can we go back to my trailer? I don't want to be here any longer." He only nodded his head. He draped his arm over my shoulders and we walked out of the school and headed to my trailer. But not before he gave me a small kiss on the lips.. "I love you" he said staring into my eyes. I could tell he meant it. "Me too, pal, me too." I replied with a playful smile.

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