My other half pt.2

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"What's your excuse for being late this time, Pea?"

My stomach sank as I heard the words roll off my teachers tongue. It's not the first time I heard that sentence. My anxiety was just bad. I was so anxious. I really hope Pea hasn't heard what the ghoulies are saying. I'ma need to have talk with those corner bimbos.

"Uh, my girlfriend who isn't really my girlfriend. More so just a quick fu- I.. i mean, erm.. she hurt her ankle so I took her to the nurses office.. but, we took a few wrong turns and somehow ended up in the janitors closet." The class laughed and i could practically hear, yes, hear the smirk on his face.

"Alright, that's enough. Take a seat." My teacher shook his head. I still wasn't looking at Pea. I just stared down at the paper in front of me where I'd drawn a a bunch of shapes and lines that lead to nothing.

"The Hell is that?" Sweet Pea said pointing to my sketch as he plopped down in the chair next to me. I ignored his question and flipped the paper over. Goosebumps formed on my skin. I began to sweat. My hands were shaking.

"Hello. Earth to, (y/o/n/n)-"
I hadn't heard that name for a while now. It was his name for me. Only he used to call me that.

"Don't call me that" I spat back at him as I leaned back in my chair a little and began tapping my pencil rapidly on the desk.

"Yeah, Pea. Don't call your ex lover that" the ghoulie who sat in front of us said. She turned in her seat to face us both.

"Don't think we forgot about y'all's history. Such a sad thing, really." She said with a smirk.

A few people overheard her and turned to watch us.

"You don't know what you're talking about, you fucking corner store junkie. Don't you have some fizzle rocks you should be selling to the football team or something?" I said sternly as I sat up straight and fixed up my signature serpent jacket a bit.

"You're high as a kite."
Pea spat as he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.

"You're gonna regret opening that pretty little mouth of yours, (y/n)."

"Like Hell i am" i replied sarcastically

The rest of art class was just a blur. I didn't pay as much attention. I couldn't help but feel anxious with all the glares from Sweet Pea I was getting. Stop looking at me, you swamp bastard.

*passing period*

"Y/n, can we talk about this?" I heard a deep familiar voice say behind me. I already recognized it to be Pea's voice. "Y/n!" He shouted. But before he could do or say  anything else to me, I walked into the girls bathroom. I checked my watch; 4 minutes until passing period is over. Just go to class and fuck off, Pea. Breathe, y/n. Breathe. You're okay. I looked around the bathroom that was thankfully nearly empty. There were only three girls standing in front of the mirror touching up their hair and makeup talking amongst each other. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths.

"Are you okay?" One of the girls spoke up. My eyes shot open and i was about to reply when-

"She's fine" someone replied for me.

I looked behind the girls in the mirror to see Ophelia -the ghoulie in my art class- and two other ghoulies who I had seen around Southside high before we got transferred.

Ophelia spoke up "Hey Rosie, Megan, Bethany... tick tick tick. Pack your beauty shit and get out. Y/n and i here, are gonna have a small.. chat."

"No way, there's still 2 minutes before the bell rings"
Bethany replied.

What an idiot

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