My Brothers Bestfriend pt. 6 (last part)

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"Don't drop me!" I squealed as Pea carried me through his trailer and towards his bed. "Shut up!" He laughed before gently laying me down on a soft comforter at the edge of his bed. His body was now hovering over mine as he connected our lips once again. They would've still been connected had I not stopped to squeal when he lifted me off the floor while barely getting my shoes off at the door.

I snuck one of my hands under his shirt, letting it roam the skin on his back softly as my other got tangled in his hair, making soft scratching movements. SweetPea's hands were rested on my thighs, gripping them softly as we continued to make out nastily.

The raven haired boy pulled away for a second to remove his black jacket and shirt before coming right back down to place small kisses on my neck, then my chest, making me squirm and giggle slightly because of how it tickled.

"Stop laughing. You're not even that ticklish." Pea smiled as he laced his words with sarcasm, skimming his eyes over my smile in the dimly lit trailer. "I'm laughing at you, giant." I responded in a menacing tone, causing him to cock an eyebrow at me as he continued to hover over me.

"What?" I asked in an oblivious manner. "You think I'm funny looking or something?" He asked sarcastically before pecking my lips once more.

I smiled up at the handsome boy before me and bit my lip softly, shaking my head in the process. "I don't think that," My words were soft and sweet, because they were honestly the truth. "Oh, so you think I'm beautiful?" Pea continued to joke making me giggle. "I do. I think you're very very beautiful," I couldn't stop smiling, the room felt hot and my cheekbones were hurting from how hard I was smiling at this boy.

But I decided I wanted to lead, quickly rolling us over so he was pinned on the bed and we both giggled as I was now hovering over his body.

I sat up and shrugged off my serpent jacket, as well as my tank top and throwing it behind me.  My breasts bounced freely and I watched as SweetPea smiled some more- propping himself up on his elbows and glancing up at me now that I was at the edge of the bed.

I leaned down to kiss him once more, my naked breasts were skin to skin with his chest and I could tell he liked it just as much as I did. I began peppering kisses all over his face causing him to laugh as I kissed down his neck sloppily, stopping at his serpent tattoo to suck on it softly.

Pea tilted his head to the side slightly to allow me more access as I sucked and licked on his tattoo, remembering it was his sweet spot and smiling in satisfaction against his skin when I heard his breath hitch.

I left a trail of wet marks as I made me way down his chest, then his stomach, softly pawing at the tent in his jeans.

He threw his head back slightly, eyes fluttering shut while a small groan emitted from his throat. I could tell he was aching for some attention under his jeans, so I continued to press kisses on his stomach leading towards his happy trail while undoing his pants.

The handsome boy brushed my hair back with his fingers and bundled my hair together in his hands to hold it back for me as he watched to see what I'd do next.

I brought my hand to my mouth and spit on it softly before slipping it into his boxers, watching as my brothers best friend let out a moan. He just laid there, feeling my hand begin to lather his hard dick with my saliva. I reached a little lower, cuffing and massaging his balls before bringing my hand back to his dick, stroking it softly.

"Fuck," he breathed as he threw his head back and screwed his eyes shut, allowing me to continue. "You like that, baby?" I spoke gently as I grazed my thumb over the slit on his tip, causing him to jerk his hips slightly. Pea smiled at the name before nodding vigorously, a small chuckle emitting from his throat as he bit his bottom lip.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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