My Brother's Bestfriend pt. 1

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Y'alllllll I haven't updated in 5ever! I missed y'all! I love reading ur comments! Lmfao I've been writing these smuts since middle school- I'm just finishing up high school, class of '23, babayyy!! & y'all are still coming back to read these! Nasty nastyyyy! 😂😂😂😂

These will probably continue being based on the older seasons rather than new because girl..

I hope y'all enjoy this one, & don't forget to vote & comment!

I let out an irritated groan as my brother paced around our trailer, making sure he was ready for his date as he explained that Sweet Pea would be coming over to babysit me.

"You must be fucking stupid. We're literally the same age, why the fuck do I need a babysitter?" I shouted at the long haired boy who only snorted as he stopped dead in his tracks and stared back at me.

"I don't understand why you're mad! We grew up with Sweet Pea!" He laughed before continuing what he was doing. I was quick to snap back as I shook my head. "I just don't want to bother him." I bullshitted as I grabbed a water from the fridge and went to go sit at the table.

"Come on, (y/n)! You know we're having issues with the Ghoulies right now. You can't stay home alone. It's just not safe." He replied in a soft tone. He had a point, I know he did- I just didn't care. I couldn't stand Sweet Pea since I got back, and Fangs was unaware.

"Nobody's gonna touch me, dude." I smiled as I as I lifted my shirt up slightly to reveal the gun tucked under the waistband of my sweatpants for Fangs to see.

My brother just raised an eyebrow as he glanced at the shiny piece of metal then back at me.
"Y/n." He said sternly. "Fangs." I responded in a mocking tone as I copied his facial expression. "Put that shit away. I just don't trust the outside." He responded as he reasoned with me.

"Well I'm inside. And I got a piece to protect my peace, so." I shrugged off everything he said and watched him run a hand over his face. "Okay. I'll let SweetPea know he'll me babysitting you and your friend. Since he's still coming to watch your punk ass."

"You punk ass bitch." I shook my head as I opened the water I'd pulled out of the fridge and took a sip.

I watched as Fangs laughed and grabbed his phone off the counter behind me- checking the time, muttering a quick 'shit,' under his breath in the process. "Fuck, I'm late!" He panicked as he snatched his keys off the table beside the door.

"That's probably what your lady's gonna be saying in a few weeks." I joked as I took another sip of my water. Fangs snapped his head back at me so fast, it was about to fall right off his stupid neck. "Don't even say that!" the boy shouted, causing me to laugh as I watched a worried expression spread throughout his face.

I just shrugged before flashing him a devious smile. "Wear a condom or pull out. Unless you wanna be pulling out of a Mickey D's drive thru 'cause Lil' Fangs wants nuggies." I laughed as Fangs' face fell all over again. "I should just call Kevin instead." He joked as he thought about it. "Tampoco, aye! Respect your girl, stupid." I scolded him as a knock was heard at the door right after.

I smiled as Fangs glanced back at me, shaking his head and letting out a quiet laugh before looking through the peep hole and unlocking the door, swinging it open. "This is why you're being babysat. You're a little girl." He glanced back at me, teasingly before finally facing the person at the door.

"Right on time, bro!" Fangs shouted as he pulled a tall, familiar serpent in for a bro hug. I watched as Pea chuckled and hugged my brother back. My face fell for a moment at the sight of my brothers best friend, but I shook it off and replaced it with a smile.

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