The switch pt.2

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Three fookin' months later;

I walked into the cafeteria holding a green flyer that I'd picked up off the floor after a ton of them were thrown into the halls of Riverdale High. The flyer was for a kick back that Reggie was throwing tomorrow night. As much as I hated that guys guts, I love me some free booze. Besides, there was always so many shit-faced teens at those parties, it was hilarious. How the fuck could I not go?

I sat down beside Toni and some other serpents "Hey, T." I said with a smile. She seemed to be reading one of the flyers. "Are you thinking of going?" "I don't know, I'll check in with Fangs and Sweet Pea." She said looking at me with a small smile. "Speaking of those idiots, where are they?" I asked looking around. She chuckled. "They're right over there." She said pointing towards the vending machines. They were shaking it to get some free snacks, I suppose. Idiots.
"They look like they need some help, I'll be right back." I said giggling as I got up from the lunch table and walked towards them. "Hey, guys." I said with a small smile. "Hey, (y/n)" they both replied in unison. "If you're going to try and get free snacks, use the buttons, don't break the machine." I said with a small chuckle. "Show us what ya got then, smart ass." Fangs said with a smirk. I bit my bottom lip and got closer to the buttons. "Which snack first?" I asked. They both looked at each other before shouting "ruffles!" At the same time. I laughed a little bit. 4376509A2. Seven numbers which formed a cheat code followed by the code for the snack. The vending machine took the order and the little spiral thing began to spin, letting the bag of chips fall. "Anything else?" I asked with a small smile. They looked at each other with wide eyes and jaw dropping smiles.

We stood there for about three more minutes until finally, Fangs snatched up all the snacks I'd gotten out for them and began making his way back to Toni and the other serpents. Sweet Pea just stared down at me. "What?" I asked with a small smirk. "Where'd you learn to do that?" He asked chuckling. "I can't tell ya" I replied with a playful tone. "C'mon, just tell me!" I shook my head before letting out a small giggle. "Asshole" he said under his breath. "Dick face" I replied as I began to walk away from him and the vending machine.
"Excuse me?!" He said in a petty tone. Suddenly he stepped in front of me and stopped me in my tracks. He placed his hands on my waist, sweeping me off my feet and gently throwing me over his shoulders. "Put me down!" I squealed. "Not until I get the answer I was looking for" he replied while laughing. He began to walk. "You know what? Keep carrying me like this. You've got a nice ass anyway." I said playfully.

I'm guessing we reached the table as I heard Toni, Fangs and other serpents laughing. "Pea, what're you doing to the poor girl?!" Fangs shouted while laughing. Sweet Pea set me back down and smirked down at me (fun fact: I can't imagine this being a real scenario, EVER). "It's okay, Fangs. Quite honestly, I was enjoying the view. Too bad it had to end so soon." I said with a playful pout resting on my lips as I sat back down next to Toni. "So, are you guys planning on going to Reggie's kick back tomorrow?" I asked as I playfully snatched a bag of hot Cheetos away from Fangs. "If you're going, Then sure." Pea spoke up while munching down on a snickers bar. "Me too" Fangs said with a mouth full of Ruffles. "Me three!" Toni said.
"You know what, Fangs? I think that Keller kid is gonna be there. I've seen the way you get all 'Mr. goo goo eyes' around him in P.E" I spoke up with a smirk. "Oh yeah, Kevin is a fineeee piece of ass." Fangs said with a small blush. "Perfect, I'm sure he'll be there tomorrow.." I said smiling. "Fangs gon' get that dick today. Fangs gon' get that dick today" I playfully sang. "Shut up, (y/n)!" Fangs shouted with a red face. All the serpents, including I just laughed.
~time skip~
The bell rang indicating that school was finally over. I walked to my locker shoving my Chem book in my locker, grabbing my leather jacket and throwing it on.
"Hey, (y/n)?" I heard a semi familiar voice speak up behind me. It startled me a bit but I shut my locker and picked my bag up off the floor turning around to see Kevin Keller. I gave him an awkward smile, "um.. hey, Keller?" I replied. He smiled and gripped the strap of his messenger  bag. "Listen, I'll get straight to the point.. you seem to be good friends with the serpents, Fangs Fogarty included.. do you think maybe you could help me out with Fangs tomorrow night at Reggie's party?" He said rather quickly followed by an awkward chuckle. "Damn, Keller. Sheriffs son is going to a kickback and trying to get some.. from a serpent." I said wiggling my eyebrows. "Sure, I'll help you out." I said with a soft smile. "Really?!" He said with a wide smile. "Of course" I replied with a wink as I began to walk away. "Thank you!" I heard him shout awkwardly behind me.

I walked to the back of the school ready to take a short walk through the cemetery and to my house when I spotted.. Sweet Pea? He was leaning against his bike with his arms crossed over his chest looking down at the ground.

"Whatcha doin', hothead?" I asked with a small smirk. He looked at me with a small blush on his face. "Let's go to the Whyte Wyrm, Princess." He said with a smile plastered on his face. "Pea, what have I told you about calling me 'princess'?! Just because I was born on the Northside doesn't make me anything special." I said annoyed. "I know but, you just look so cute when you're annoyed. How could I not call you that? It annoys you." He replied with a smirk. "First of all, that's the stupidest sentence I've ever heard come out of your mouth. And second of all, how will I get to the bar? My bikes at the shop remember?" I sassed back. "I guess you'll just have to ride with me, Princess."
I smiled at the thought of riding with him. "Hm.. no, I'm good." I replied with a playful smile. "C'mon, (y/n).. pleaseeeeee" he begged. "What for?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest and cocked an eyebrow. "I don't know, I just feel like we've never really hung out.. and gotten to know each other." He replied with a lopsided smile. "Okay, but I want to stop by Pop's first. Will you buy me, the princess, a cheeseburger?" I asked with the most innocent smile. He chuckled at me. "(Y/n).. I don't want your little North side friends assuming that- that we're out on a date..." ouch. "What? Are you suddenly embarrassed to be seen around me?" I asked with a tone. My smile now faded into a cold and plain expression. Fuck this. Let's get this walk over with. "No, (y/n). It's not like that. It's not like that at all-"
He started. I just rolled my eyes and began to walk away. "Whatever, I'll see you tomorrow or something. Take care, Sweet Pea." I said as I began to walk out of the parking lot. Why'd I have to fall for that sexy ass dickwad anyway.. he's not even that hot.. bitch, let me stop lying to myself. Tehe.

"(Y/n)!," I heard him shout behind me. "Wait!"
Suddenly I heard a motorcycle engine revving behind me. Pea pulled up next to me and I began to walk faster. Why am I walking faster?! I can't out run a damn motorcycle- I ain't no damn Powerpuff girl. I ignored him until I finally reached the cemetery and Pea just drove off. I plugged my headphones into my phone and ears then began to play music out of my playlist. As I listened to the Misfits, I began to think. Why am I even mad? What'd I expect, he probably already has a girlfriend or something. Maybe I'll ask Toni- nah. Honestly, I doubt that he'd want to be seen on a date with a Northsider. Hell, he'd look hypocritical. It's one thing to be friends and chill with some Northsiders, but a totally different thing to date one. Just stop thinking, (y/n). FOR FUCKS SAKE! Stop. Thinking will be the death of me, I swear it.

Part three coming soon! Don't forget to vote!
Sorry for the slow updates, I just got done with school so I should be a bit more active 💛🖤💛

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