You cheated

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I woke up in a bad mood. Everyday was like this, at least every week day. I hate school. The only thing that's good about it is my grades, My boyfriend (Sweet Pea) and my friends (Toni and Fangs). I'm pretty damn antisocial. You'd think that being a serpent and all, I'd be pretty damn outspoken. The worst part about school now is that we (SP, Toni, Fangs and I) got transferred to Riverdale High. I get harassed every day by a thirsty bulldog or just jocks in general or get shit from the cheerleaders for not being "formal" enough.

I checked the time on my phone to see that it was 6:17 AM. That's enough time for me to get ready. I walked into the small bathroom of my trailer and washed my face, brushed my teeth, hair.. all that good shit. After about five minutes, I was ready to get changed. I threw on some lose, black ripped jeans, a gray spaghetti strap, my black combat boots and Sweet Pea's oversized serpent jacket because Weatherbee confiscated my damn serpent jacket last week. Asshole. I checked the time once again, 6:37. I decided not to put on makeup because quite frankly, I hate the feeling of that shit. I put on some chapstick and grabbed my book bag. As I headed out the door, I got a phone call. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket to see the caller the ID. It was Toni.

"(Y/n)- can... can you come meet Jughead and I at Pop's?.. we've got something to show you.."
I heard worry in her voice.
"T, what's going on?"
I hopped on my bike.
"You'll see when you get here.."
I sighed and hung up.

After about 13 minutes, I'd finally arrived at Pop's. I parked my bike, grabbed my messenger bag and was in such a rush to get to Toni who I saw sitting at a booth with Jughead inside the diner, I hadn't seen what was going on outside.. a few feet from me.
I walked in and walked to Toni and Jughead. I sat down next to Toni and placed my book bag in between her and I. "What was so important that you had to have me meet you two over here?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. "That!" Jughead said bluntly while pointing outside through the window. I looked in the direction of Jughead's finger to see Sweet Pea, leaning against his bike and a red haired girl standing in between his legs. His hands laid on Either side of her waist and she had her lips pressed against his neck. She looked to be giving him a hickey.

"Fuck" was all I muttered through gritted teeth. My hand formed into a fist, fingernails digging deep in to my palm. My fingertips turned white. I got up from my seat. "Where are you going?!" Toni asked. "Where the fuck else am I gonna go?! I'm gonna go outside and see why the hell that bitch has her lips pressed against my damn boyfriends neck!"
All the people who were inside the small diner stared at me. I walked out the door and closer to hear what Sweet Pea was whispering to the girl. "Fuck that feels so good. You've already got my body all figured out, babygirl.."

I removed his jacket and held it in my arm. I cleared my throat. "And I think I've got us all figured out too." I said while letting out a small scoff and dumping his jacket on the floor next to his bike. That startled them. He quickly shoved the girl off him and his eyes widened. "(Y/n)?!-" I heard him shout. I turned around and began to walk back into the diner. Toni and Jughead had the look of guilt and concern splattered all over their faces. "(Y/n)?" I heard Jughead speak up. "Don't" I said sternly as I picked up my bag and made my way outside. Sweet Pea stopped me in my tracks to my bike. "(Y/n), please listen! It's not what it looks like." He said with a small tear rolling down his cheek. "Shut the fuck up and get out of my way." I shoved him a bit and walked passed him. I got on my motorcycle and revved the engine indicating that it was on and ready to go. He stood in front of it as I adjusted my messenger back to make sure that it was secure on my side and wouldn't bug me on my short ride to school. "Sweet Pea, save your damn tears for someone who actually gives a flying fuck. Now, get the fuck out of my way OR I'LL RUN YOU THE FUCK OVER FOR FUCKS SAKE!" He just stood there. "I'm not moving 'till you hear me out." He said. I scoffed once again and got off the bike. If I couldn't ride to school, I guess that I'd just have to walk there. "Oh, I'm really sorry for taking your boyfriend, (y/n)." The red headed girl spoke up. "Bitch, don't be sorry. If he wasn't loyal to me, what makes you think he'll be loyal to your raggedy ass? One question though.. how does my pussy taste? Is it too sweet orrrr-" she girl cringed at my comment. "Ew" was all she replied with. "Ew? I thought you hood rats loved talking that way." I began walking away before we made this any bigger than it already was. Just as I walked away, I felt someone grab ahold of my wrist, once again, stopping me in my tracks. "(Y/n)-" it was Sweet Pea. "I've already told you to back the fuck off! We're done. Get it through your thick skull you fucking, dickwad!" His grip tightened around my wrist. And that's when Toni and Jughead stepped in. I winced in pain as his grip was tight. "Just leave her alone, Pea! You've already caused her enough emotional pain to deal with! She doesn't need and physical pain!" Jughead spoke up. "Shut up, Jones! This is your damn fault." Sweet Pea replied while flashing a death stare to Jughead. "BACK OFF!" Was the last thing I said before raising my hand up in the air and laying one hard slap across Sweet Pea's face. This earned a gasp from Toni and Jughead and Sweet Pea loosened the grip he had on me. I snatched my arm away "It's not Jones' fault that you can't keep your dick in your damn pants!" Was all I said before I ran back to my bike. I tuned it back on and rode off. I cannot believe this idiot. He cheats on me and acts as if I were the damn problem?!

*unedited* sorry :/
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