Tutor (pt.2)

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I sat at my desk carving words into the wooden platform while waiting for Sweet Pea to arrive to our tutoring session. Suddenly the classroom door opened and shut and I looked up to see Sweet Pea. "Sorry for being late. Let's just get this shit over with, I've got places to be at." He said putting his stuff on the table. I rolled my eyes and took my laptop out of my messenger bag. After about half an hour, Sweet Pea lashed out. He got up and shoved the desk that was in front of him "Fuck! It just doesn't make any damn sense! Why the fuck do we need to learn fucking Math! That shits not going to help with our future." I face palmed myself as he finished shouting. "Listen, you better fucking slow your role because I'm not here to deal with your little bitch fits, got it? So sit your ass down and open your fucking head. This shits pretty damn simple so stop acting like a twat and focus!" I shouted back sternly. "Why should I listen to you?!" He shouted. "Because your fucking future depends on it! This isn't my grade, it's yours. So you have about 5 fucking seconds to calm your ass down before I leave and you fail the damn class." He sat down with his hands in a fist. "You do realize that I can seriously fucking hurt you, right?" He looked at me with anger in his eyes. "You do realize that I'm not scared of you, right?" I mocked. He scoffed. "Whatever. Continue." He said loosening his hands and pointing to my Laptop. "This is where you went wrong" I explained it all to him and he finally understood it. "Oh.. I guess it really wasn't that hard." Sweet Pea said sternly. "Yep" I replied packing up my stuff. I waited for him to walk out of the classroom first and then I waited a few minutes before walking out too because there were a few people in the hallway. I rode home and took a quick shower. The next few sessions were pretty good. I had finally gotten used to Sweet Pea and he sorta calmed down. He didn't lash out as much as he did the first three times. I was actually.. comfortable with him.

I sat at the very back of my math class and Mr. Miller was passing back tests. "Good job, (y/n)" he said smiling while handing me back my test. A 97%, Sweet." Suddenly the bell rang and I stuffed my stuff in my bag. Dropping my pencil. Suddenly out of nowhere, Sweet Pea came and picked it up. "Uh- Thanks" I said before grabbing the pencil and awkwardly walking away.

Sweet Pea's POV
"What was that all about?" Toni asked me as we walked down the halls of this shit hole school. "What was what?" "That! since when do you play the role of Mr. Nice guy and actually help people out. I thought you hated, (y/n). I've seen the way you look at her." I stopped and looked at Toni. "Oh come on. I don't hate her.. Hell, I don't even know her. I just thought that I'd be nice since she makes Cheryl, YOUR girlfriend happy. And I know you love a happy girlfriend. And I love a happy Toni" I replied sounding like an idiot. "Whatever, you've still got the hots for, (y/n)" she said laughing at me. "Ou, Sweet Pea and (y/n)? I like the sound of that-" Fangs said. "Oh shut up you Neanderthals." I replied sternly at my two best friends. They both just laughed at me and we continued to our next class.

Your POV
After today's session with Sweet Pea he actually walked outside with me. It was weird considering he'd made it pretty clear that he didn't want to be seen socializing with me under any circumstances. "(Y/n), I got a 93% on my math test today." He said smiling while holding out his math test for me to grab. I grabbed the paper and examined it. "Congratulations" I said and handed it back to him. "Thank you.." he said in barely a whisper. "Um... it was nothing. You just needed a little push." I said awkwardly before straddling my motorcycle. He stood beside me. "I'm serious. You've had the patience to deal with my bullshit. And your little comments when I'm throwing my "bitch fits" really surprise me. Anyone else would've been scared to even talk to me, much less talk to me the way you do." He said. I smiled. "That's good to hear. So what, are we friends because to be honest. I like you, well- not like.. like you like you but in a friend way-" I said chuckling awkwardly. He scratched the back of his neck "I mean, yeah.. but firstly, I feel bad for not even paying you or something." He said pulling his wallet out. "Put your money away, asshole. I don't want it. You really wanna thank me, buy me a damn milkshake." I said laughing. "Well, we'd have to go to Pop's for that-" "and you still don't wanna be seen with me. Got it. Well, see you around, Pea." I gave him a tight smile before riding home. How embarrassing. I mentally face palmed myself the whole way home. The next day was the same as before, though, Pea and I were still on the same agreement as before.. we hadn't spoken which wasn't new and I was lowkey pissed that he considered us friends but didn't want to be seen with me in public like what the fuck. But I brushed it aside and then Friday came along. I waited for Pea in the same spot as I did Monday and Wednesday. He was late. I looked at my watch to see that it was 3:37 PM, half an hour had gone by since the last bell. He's probably a no show I said to myself. I packed my shit and was on my way out. I looked at the floor as my heavy boots stomped all the way down the hall. I didn't look up for anything. Until I bumped into someone. "(Y/n)?" I looked up to see Sweet Pea. "Sorry I'm late. I went to Pop's and got some food and a milkshake." He said smiling. I titled my head to the side. "Come on" he said walking towards the class. I followed closely behind him. He sat down at the desk and I just stood at the door way of the classroom. He pulled out two burgers, two orders of fries and two milkshakes. "Are you gonna sit down and eat or what?" He asked while stuffing fries in his mouth. I awkwardly sat down beside him and stared at my rings. "Where were you going in such a hurry?" He said while sticking a straw into a milkshake and handing it to me. "Home" I replied before taking a small sip of the milkshake. "Home? Why?" He asked after he took a bite out of his burger. "Because I thought you were gonna be a no show." He nodded in response. "Um, thank you... for the food." I said grabbing the burger off the table. "It was nothing" he replied smiling. "I'm not complaining but I just have to ask.. why're you being so nice to me?" "Going back onto the topic we were on on Wednesday, I like you too." He replied smiling. I nodded in response and just drank my milkshake. After a few minutes we both finished eating and I was ready to leave because it was pretty clear that we weren't going to do anything today. "(Y/n).." Sweet Pea stopped me in my tracks before I unlocked the classrooms door. He walked up to me and just stared at me. "What's u-" before I could finish my sentence, Sweet Pea lowered his head down to my level and crashed his lips onto mine. I melted into the kiss not even bothering to pull away. His small, plump lips fit perfectly with mine. He placed his hands on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He gently placed me on the desk with out disconnecting our lips. His member kinda rubbed against my clothed heat. We pulled away to catch our breaths. His forehead was on mine and we just stared at each other. "Do you wanna go further than this?" He asked. I bit my lip and nodded in response. "Do you have anything?" He asked smirking. "What like a condom or AIDS?" I replied giggling. "That's the first-" "no, I don't have anything." I replied smirking. He nodded and reached for his back pocket. He pulled out a golden foil package. I fumbled with his belt buckle before actually getting it undone. "Someone's eager." He replied smirking. His pants fell with his boxers and his 9 incher sprung up. He hitched my skirt up a bit to reveal my black underwear. He rubbed his index finger over my clothes clit "you're so wet" he said biting his lip. "With all of this shit, you'd expect me to be dry?" I replied sarcastically. He chuckled and ripped the condom packet sliding it on with ease. He moved my underwear aside and slid the tip of his member up and down teasingly before actually fully entering me. I hissed at his size. He stayed still for a moment waiting for me to adjust. "Ready?" He asked. All I could do was nod. He began to slowly pull out and push himself back and repeated this about four more times. "Faster" I breathed out. He pulled out and thrusted into me quickly and harshly. The pads of his fingertips digging into my sensitive skin and his mouth attached to my neck sucking and biting my sweet spot. My breathing became heavy and loud. I pulled on his hair gently causing him to let out a whimper. But that whimper quickly disappeared with in seconds after he began grunting. "Fuck- you feel so good around me" he moaned. "You feel so good inside me" I moaned. He put his forehead on mine and stared into my eyes, I did as well. He brought his hand down to my clit and began to rub it in for extra stimulation. "Fuck, Pea.. if you keep doing that.. I'll be coming soon." I moaned. "Not yet." He said. He threw my leg over his arm getting a better angle hitting my g-spot. My walls tightened around him, I don't think that I could hold it in any longer. I felt him twitch inside me. "Okay, I'm ready. Let yourself go." He grunted. I came and he thrusted in a few more times before he came with a loud groan. He stayed inside me. We caught our breaths and he pulled out removing the condom and disposing of it. I gently pulled my underwear over my area, fixed my skirt and got off the desk. I grabbed tissues and spray from my teachers closet and wiped off the desk making sure to put everything back to the way it was. I heard Pea's belt buckle and turned around to grab my stuff. I looked at him awkwardly. I didn't know what to do.. we weren't really friends before and now I don't know what we are. I opened the classroom door. Before I got the chance to walk away Sweet Pea grabbed my wrist gently. I stopped and turned to face him. He stared at me and then pulled me into a hug. "Thank you" was all he whispered repeatedly. "What for? Getting you to pass your class or the sex?" I replied letting a small chuckle out. He let go and looked at me. "Both" he replied with a smirk.

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