Operation: Broken Feather-1

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A/N: I'm so very sorry for not being able to upload new chapters for so long. I had my summer break going on after graduation and it was difficult to be able to write while my mind was clogged up with various activities and Eras Tour Livestream running in my head. Honestly, I had no idea on what to write with this chapter because there was nothing more there to write about Sam or Nick's activities so I'll head more into Terry and Holt's experimentation on the squad. Also, 1.7K READS?!!! You guys, I'm deceased with overjoy. Thankyou for supporting this book for so long. I'm forever grateful. Enjoy the chapter!!


"We've busted murder, we've taken down cartels. But today we face the worst New York has to offer... The fire department." Jake said to the squad who were dressed in their matching blue Police Department sports wear as they were in the park early morning for a game of football.

Sam and Nick stood far away according to their planning as they faced the red hued Fire Department. After a challenge talk with Fire Marshal Boone, Jake returned to his position and as soon as the whistle was blown, he passed the ball at Terry.

Sam and Nick being the freakishly strong other than Jeffords had only one job to do: take down Boone's minions. Both of them lunged over the men and took them down quickly and easily while clearing Terry's path for the touchdown. 

In the next few touchdowns, Sam and Nick participated too and emerged successful by dodging the FD men, throwing some away and reach the line. 

On winning each round, Terry did a victory dance. "You don't have to dance every time." Boone complained. "True, but I choose to dance every time." Terry said as he then side bumped into Jake victoriously. 

"You have one play. You give the ball to Jeffords, Cooper or Lee and they run it in. I-I'd like to see you score one." Boone complained, tired already. "Good, 'cause you're about to see it. You're about to see it straight to hell." Jake said to him and Sam rolled her eyes at that.

"Hut, hut." Jake said as they all stood in position and soon as he got the ball he called out for the Sergeant. The muscled man easily picked him up and ran the line. "Yeah! I did it. I did it alone. I'm the King of the world! Whoo!" Jake cheered as the collected audience chanted for Terry.


Sam and Nick walked in hurriedly along with Amy, Rosa, Terry and Charles. "Jake, Jake." Amy called out. "Uh-oh, this can't be good." he said to himself while holding his 'Breakfast Burrito'.

"Major crimes division just called." Terry started. "They're taking over your murder case." Sam informed. "The vulture is on his way here now." Nick concluded. 

"No! Doesn't that guy get tired of stealing our cases? He took one from me and Rosa last week." Jake whined.

"Don't worry, we can stall him until you get the confession." Rosa said affirmatively. "We rehearsed this, you guys. This isn't a drill." Amy said. "Everyone know their assignments?" Terry asked and everyone nodded.

"Alright hands in. Commence operation: Broken feather. And go!" Jake said as they put their hands together for a team call and then they all scrambled to their tasks. Sam and Jake ran to the interrogation room.

"Okay, Gus, we don't have a lot of time. I need your full, signed confession or I'm letting her interrogate you. She's like a Bloody Mary." Jake threatened the perp.

"We have four minutes or we can do this my way." Sam said darkly. "But I'm not guilty."  "Listen to me, you old looking rat. We can do this!" Sam slammed her hands on the table and edged closer to the man threateningly. 

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