Fancy Brudgom-1

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"All right, gang, Diet Day Four. How's everyone holding up?" Terry asked as he walked into the break room where  Nick, Gina and Amy were seated with same lunch bags.

"Honestly, I'm going to last forever. You hear that, bitches? I'm gonna last forever." Gina said, singing the last part. "The diet is great, I don't even feel hungry much now." Nick said

"I'm doing great. This morning the homeless guy on my stoop said my skin looked dope." Amy said. "He's a homeless guy he obviously said that to get some money from you." Sam pointed out while she sipped some coffee.

"I did give him some 50 $ for that." Amy shyly admitted. "What's going on? Why do you all have matching bags?" Holt asked as he walked in the room.'

"We're doing a diet together. My wife found it. She heard about it at Mommy And Me Graphic Design." Terry reasoned. "Wait, it might've been Toddler Karate. She takes our little ladies to so many classes, I can't keep it straight." he added.

"Childhood is truly a time of wonder." Holt said nodding. 

"This diet is very scientific, sir. All the meals are pre-planned and delivered to your doorstep." Amy explained. "This is our breakfast." Gina added. 

"An orange wedge, three cashew nuts... and a solitary grape." Holt observed. "It's actually more than you realize. Sometimes I can't even finish all the grape." Nick said. 

"This seems unnecessary to me. You're all in perfect shape." the Captain said. "You can always be healthier, sir." Terry defended. 

"And I like the challenge." Amy added. "Plus, it's good team building. We're gonna get through this together." Terry continued.

"Hey, guys, pro tip. Lick the baggie. There's food molecules in there." Nick suggested them and they all started licking the plastic sheet covering.


Scully noticed as Sam walked into the bullpen in the morning in her casual outfit. "Good morning, Sam." he said.

"Good morning, boys." she returned. "Where's your batch and gun? Oh my God! Are being suspended?" Hitchcock asked. 

"She's not being suspended, guys. She's on leave today with Jake and Charles." Nick said from his seat. "What for?" Scully asked.

"Charles asked Jake to be his Best Man and me to be the Best Woman last night." Sam clarified for them. She remembered how he had asked her to finish her mug of beer and once finished, she saw a butterfly clip at the bottom of the glass.

"That's your second time right?" Hitchcock asked. "Yeah, I did it for Daniel's wedding and I can do better than ever." she said excited. "Why are you here though?" 

"Well we meet him hear so-" Sam shrugged. "There he is! My groom!" Jake said as he got up from his seat.

"Hello, my big, beautiful B.M. and B.W.!" Charles said walking in. "That's fine, buddy. Don't have to say it." Sam said.

"I hope you're rested. We're gonna be on our feet all day." he continued. "I am totally prepared. I even bought some nurse shoes." Jake said showing off his new shoes. 

"Sam you gonna be comfortable in those.. um, heel boots?" Jake asked, unsure of her choice of footwear. 

"I'm sure I'll be fine with them on." she shrugged. "What really matters is being with this amazing groom to be for the day." she patted Charles' shoulders. 

"You're right. Let me grab this! Let me grab this!" Jake said picking up the Danish magazine and his jacket. "Let me grab this!" Sam said as she grabbed Charles by his shoulders. 

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