Broken - Lee Sanghyeok (Riwoo)

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Have you ever felt like you are a burden? Have you ever heard something that had slowly killed you from the inside? Have you ever been punished for the sins committed by your parents?

Minyoung was just another teenager who wanted a normal life. Who wanted to have nice friends. Who wanted to have loving parents. Parents who truly cared for her. Parents who would never kill their own daughter and her unborn child for their own reputation.

Minyoung was born in a strict catholic family. She had an older sister, Minhee. At first her life was nice, he parents loved her, cared for her and her sister but everything went downhill after Minhee got pregnant at the age of seventeen.

Minyoung's parents were furious. They abused and later on killed Minhee. When Minyoung tried to save her sister she herself was abused and locked inside a room. She was the one who called the police, trying her best to save Minhee but it was already too late.

Her parents were arrested but she was left alone. Traumatized, scared and mental abused.

No one was by her side when she needed them. Everyone blamed her for Minhee's death. Rumors started that she herself was involved in killing her sister . No matter how much she tried to ignore these people they were everywhere. Pointing their fingers at her. Blaming her for everything.

Jung Minyoung's pov
I stood on the railing of the bridge with closed eyes. I felt hot tears flowing down down my face but I quickly wipped it with the sleeves of my sweatshirt. I opened my eyes and looked at the water below. I come. I thought.

"You know this isn't gonna help at all...." I heard a boy's voice behind me.
"This will only make the people who hate you happy that they won. They will lose nothing but you will lose your beautiful future. Your dreams." He stated
"Live for the people who love you. Who care for you. Who were always there for you even at your worst." He continued.
"Think about how devastated they would be to know that you have left them forever."

I started to realise what I was about to do. I remembered my best friend Hanni whom I dearly loved. She was always there for me. She fought with everyone who accused me of killing Minhee. She believed me when no one else did. She was there for me when no one else was. She is my everything. I can't afford to make her sad.

I slowly came down from the top of the bridge. I turned around and saw the boy looking at me.

"Thank you for not ending it all..." He said and smiled a little as I kept looking down while nodding a little.
He kept his hand in front of me asking for a handshake.
"I'm Lee Sang Hyeok but you can also call me Riwoo!" He said as I shook his hand.
"Minyoung. Jung Minyoung." I said as he nodded.

"Thank you for helping me." I said bowing.
"No need to say thanks. It's just that I don't wanna see another person commit suicide infront of me again." He said sounding a bit sad.
"You have seen someone commit suicide?" I asked curiously.
"Yeah, but that's a talk for another time." He said smiling.
"Sure if you don't feel comfortable." I said understanding.

"Let's meet again soon Minyoung!" He said as he waved and walked away.
I lookes at his figure disappearing and sighed.

I really hope we meet again....

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