First meetings - BOYNEXTDOOR

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Requested by : m_liza05 !


(Italics : Flashback
Normal : Present)

Jaehyun (Band-aids) ::
Tae Chuhee's pov
I smiled as I entered in the café. The workers here at Café Heaven are so welcoming. Especially Kang Yuri. She is so cute.

I ordered my latte and sat down. I took out my phone and started to scroll on Instagram.

"Hey excuse me....can I sit here? No other seats are empty." I looked up and saw a puppy like looking guy.
I was looking at him when I realised he was wearing the same uniform as me.
"Hey! You go to Daehi High School too?" I asked surprised.
"Yeah I noticed that too that's why I asked if I could sit here." He said laughing.
"Oh my I didn't notice." I said embarrassed.
"It's ok." He chuckled.
"I never saw you in my class through." I said.
"I'm in a different class." He answered.

Yep! That's how we got close! I ended up confessing to him and he felt the same so we started dating.


Taesan (Her) ::
Choi Sumin's pov
I sighed and held the doorknob of my new classroom. I hope everything goes well.
The class teacher came out and asked for me to come in.

"Please introduce yourself." She asked.
"Hello I'm Choi Sumin please take care of me!" I said bowing and everyone clapped.
"You can go sit there on the empty sit infront of Dongmin. Dongmin please raise your hand." The teacher asked as a handsome boy raised his hand.

I went and sat in front of him.

It was now recess time. I took my phone and stood up to go to the cafeteria. I felt someone tap my shoulder.
It was the same guy. Dongmin I guess?
"Are you going to the cafeteria?" He asked as I nodded.
"Let's go together since you are new here." He said.
"Sure." I answered.

We were stopped by sister.
"Unnie let's go!" Suhyeon said approaching me.
"Oh is he your friend? Hello Sunbae-nim!" She said bowing to Dongmin.
"Hello." He said bowing back.
"You can go I'll get my lunch and then come." I said as she nodded and went away.
I looked at Dongmin as he looked mesmerised. Looks like he likes my sister. I thought chuckling.

That time I didn't knew that him liking my sister could hurt me this much. I knew that he liked my sister since the start but yet I fell in love with him. I created my own heartbreak through expectations.


Leehan (Letter) ::
Kim Donghyun's pov
I walked through the hallway with Jungwon skipping my class. It was history and boring af so.....

We turned to a corner only for me to bump into someone. I looked up and locked eyes with the girl. She also kept looking at me. I felt as if the world just stopped.

I flinched as Jungwon snapped his finger in front of my eyes.
"Lovebirds quit starting at each other." He said chuckling. I looked at the girl again who bowed and quickly left.

I caught a glimpse of her name on her badge.

Choi Suhyeon?

"Come on man we were going to the rooftop! Or are you just gonna think about the girl?" Jungwon whined.
I ruffled my hair and blushed.

Damn he caught me.

"Let's go." I said shaking my head.


Riwoo (Competition) ::
Lee Sanghyeok's pov
I was sitting in the auditorium looking at the people auditioning for the upcoming dance competition. I was honestly so impressed that people who came to audition for the competition weren't here to just kill time. They were here to actually participate.

I'm the caption of our dance team.

Everyone was equally talented but I have to say one girl caught my attention. She was so passionate about this competition. The way she danced was so captivating.

I quickly left to find the girl after the auditioning ended.
"Hey!" I called her as she was about to leave.
"Yes?" She asked turning around.
"I just wanted to say that you did great!" I said as she thanked me and bowed.
"Your name?" I asked.
"Jung Minyoung." She answered.
"I'm Lee Sanghyeok!" I said reaching my hand out for a handshake.

She shook my hand.
"See you around?" I questioned.
"Sure!" She answered smiling.
She bowed again and turned around and left.

Since when did I became biased?


Author : m_liza05 I hope this met your expectations!

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