Betrayed pt. 2 - Myung Jaehyun

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Tae Chuhee's pov
"Tae betrayed me. You're the reason why I'm dead.....You are selfish....Wicked....just like your parents." I heard Jaehyun's voice speaking. I quickly shook my head.
"I'm sorry Jaehyun.....I loved you. I truly did. I didn't have any other choice. Please forgive me." I said even though deep inside I knew I didn't deserve any forgiveness.
"You are a traitor. Die Tae Chuhee. Die. Die. Die. DIE. DIE DIE!!!"

I quickly sat up breathing heavily. It was another nightmare. I breathed out in relief. It has been 2 years since his death yet I couldn't move on. His death still haunts me till this day.

I got up as a maid came inside and left some breakfast on the table. I got ready but didn't ate my food.

I went to stand in the balcony. I closed my eyes as cold wind blew pass me.

All I could see was his head that rolled all the way to my feet when I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes as I heard my door open again. I turned around only to see Jaemin, Jeahyun's sister.

She smirked as she saw me standing in the balcony.
" did you get inside?" I said stepping back.
"You don't need to know that. You just need to know that I'm here to take my brother's revenge." She said walking towards me.
I kept walking back until she was standing in front of me looking at me with so much hatred.

"Go to hell Chuhee." She said and pushed me from my balcony. My eyes went wide.

Is this karma?

I looked at her was she smiled at me devilishly.

I could only think of mine and Jeahyun's moments together.

We were so happy. No pain. Only pureness. He was so sweet. A really gentleman.

I ruined everything. I took away his life. I killed someone's son. Someone's brother. I killed my own love. I'm no different than my parents. I'm a monster. I'm wicked. I'm a killer.....

I killed him. I deserve to die.

I closed my eyes and accepted my fate. This is my karma.


Third person's pov
Everything went downhill after Tae Chuhee's death.
Jaemin was punished for her crime.
Chuhee's parents were devastated not by the news of the death of their daughter but knowing that they don't have any heir anymore.

It was true when she said that they were selfish, cruel and wicked.

The kingdom turned to dust after multiple wars broke out. Their kingdom was defeated. Common people were killed. The King and Queen were publicly executed in the same way as Jaehyun.

This was their karma.....they paid for their wrongdoings.

Author : I'm so sorry for this shitty chapter 😭

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