Bad Blood - Myung Jaehyun

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TW : Bullying

Tae Chuhee's pov
I sat in the cafeteria eating my lunch. I wonder where he is. How come he is not bothering me today? Is he because he got into trouble.

Just as I was about to take another bite of my food I felt something hit my head.

Great.....just great. I thought rolling my eyes.

"How are you idiot?" Jaehyun say sitting infront of me.
"Not so great now that you're here." I said and decided to ignore him.
He stood up and opened the juice bottle in his hand and poured the juice all over my lunch.

I looked at him in disbelief.
"What is wrong with you?!" I asked standing up.
"What's wrong with me? You should ask what's wrong with YOU." He said and laughed.
"How many time do I have to tell you that I'm sorry for spilling coffee on you uniform?! It was a long time ago! It was not intentional!" I said almost yelling because I was fucking furious.

Like how can you be so childish and waste food?! There are so many people who can't even afford one meal!

I started to walk away when he held my hand.
"Why are you getting so angry? It was just a jokey jokey." He said rolling his eyes.
"Oh so you find it funny?! You wasted my food. You ruined my mood AND my appetite and it was all a joke?!" I said yanking my hand back.

Don't get me wrong but my mother works so hard to earn money and provide for me but this idiot has to ruin everything.

"Look I'm sorry—" He said but I interrupted him.
"I don't need your sorry. You already wasted my money and time both." I said and went to the rooftop.

I sat on the bench as soon as I reached there. I closed my eyes and felt the tears come out.

Why am I so weak?

I got out of the washroom stall and washed my hands.

School just ended and I excused myself from my friends to go to the washroom. I heard something click almost like some locked the door.
I quickly went to open the door only to find it locked.

"Hello?! Is someone there?!" I started to panic as I am claustrophobic.
I heard some people laugh.

It was Jaehyun and his friends.

"Jaehyun?! I know it's you! Open the door!!!" I yelled and kept knocking the door.
"Haha stay there for the rest of the day!" He said and I heard footsteps getting away from the washroom.

I guess they went away. I quickly started looking for my phone only to realise that I left it in my bag which was in the classroom.

I sighed and sat down with my back against the wall.

Damn fuck him and his fucking friends.

I started to feel suffocated. I was breathing heavily. I felt my consciousness slowly slip away as everything started to appear blurry.

I closed my eyes but as I tried to open my eyes again I couldn't. All I saw was darkness.

Oh god please not again. I thought

Someone please help...

I was woken up by someone shaking me. It was my mom. I was in a hospital.

I guess I fainted....

"Oh my.......thank god you are ok!" She said hugging me. She was crying very badly.
"Look at you. You are all sweaty."
"How did you got locked here?!" She asked.
"Someone locked me here." I answered.
"Who was it?!" She asked angrily.
"My classmate Myung Jaehyun."

End of flashback

After that day he didn't bothered me for a whole month as he got into trouble for bullying me.

Yet he started again and today he did this. I hate him. I really do. A lot.

Why can't he just leave me alone? Am I that bad? Was it really that big of a mistake?

Author : Haha a long one as an apology for not updating much.

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